October 24, 2022 at 6:30 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order and Roll Call
The regular October meeting of the Board of Education was called to order by ____________ at _______ pm with the following persons present: MEMBERS: ___Jackie Bowen ___Rod Detweiler ___Margaret Miller ___TJ Reed ___Pam Riley ___Jeff Troyer ___Larry Walton STAFF PRESENT: ___Chad Brady ___Dennis Kirby ___Jane Rumsey ___Barb Lester ___Cathy Carpenter ___Jill Peterson ___Aaron Hartong ___Brenda Heimstra ___Jerry Schultz ___Phillip Heasley (KRESA) VISITORS PRESENT: |
2. Guest & Visitor Comments
3. Acceptance of Consent Agenda
As good practice, the board should accept the consent agenda for the evening's meeting which includes minutes of the October 10 meeting (open and closed sessions) and the September financial reports.
RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the superintendent that the consent agenda be reviewed and accepted. MOTION BY _____________________________; SECONDED BY _______________________ BE IT RESOLVED that the Centreville Board of Education approve / not approve the consent agenda as presented. ROLL CALL / VOICE VOTE: AYES: BOWEN, DETWEILER, MILLER, REED, RILEY, TROYER, WALTON NAYS: BOWEN, DETWEILER, MILLER, REED, RILEY, TROYER, WALTON MOTION CARRIED / DEFEATED |
4. Superintendent's Report
a. District
b. Legislative c. Calendar - for a complete calendar go to www.cpschools.org
5. Return to In-Person Instruction & Continuity of Services Plan 2022-23
ESSER 3.0, enacted in March 2021, provided funds for local districts to safely reopen and address the impact of COVID on students. LEAs (local districts) must develop and make publicly available a Safe Return to In-Person Instruction and Continuity of Services Plan in order to receive those funds. The BOE is asked to approve the attached district plan. The district is required to review the plan, and revise it if needed, every six months through September 30, 2023. The BOE will be informed of any future revisions.
RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the superintendent to approve the attached Safe Return to In-Person Instruction & Continuity of Services Plan for Centreville Public Schools. MOTION BY ______________________________; SECONDED BY _______________________ BE IT RESOLVED that the Centreville Board of Education approves / does not approve the attached Safe Return to In-Person Instruction & Continuity of Service Plan as attached. ROLL CALL / VOICE VOTE: AYES: BOWEN, DETWEILER, MILLER, REED, RILEY, TROYER, WALTON NAYS: BOWEN, DETWEILER, MILLER, REED, RILEY, TROYER, WALTON MOTION CARRIED / DEFEATED |
6. Guest & Visitor Comments
7. Adjournment
The meeting was adjourned at __________pm by ___________________. |