November 23, 2020 at 6:30 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order and Roll Call
The November regular meeting of the Board of Education was called to order by ____________ at _______ pm with the following persons present: MEMBERS: ____Jackie Bowen ____Rod Detweiler ____Barb Eash ____Margaret Miller ____TJ Reed ____Jeff Troyer ____Larry Walton STAFF PRESENT: ___Stephanie Lemmer ___Chad Brady ___Mark VanderKlok ___Jane Rumsey ___Barb Lester ___Cathy Carpenter ___Jill Peterson ___Phillip Heasley (KRESA) VISITORS PRESENT: |
2. Guest & Visitor Comments
3. Acceptance of Consent Agenda
BACKGROUND: As a good practice, the board should accept the consent agenda for the evening's meeting which includes minutes of the November 9 special meeting, the November 11 Back-To-School Task Force meeting minutes, and the October financial reports.
RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the superintendent that the consent agenda be reviewed and accepted. MOTION BY _____________________________; SECONDED BY _______________________ BE IT RESOLVED that the Centreville Board of Education approve / not approve the consent agenda as presented. ROLL CALL / VOICE VOTE: AYES: BOWEN, DETWEILER, EASH, MILLER, REED, TROYER, WALTON NAYS: BOWEN, DETWEILER, EASH, MILLER, REED, TROYER, WALTON MOTION CARRIED / DEFEATED
4. Superintendent's Report (with COVID update)
a. District
b. Legislative c. Calendar - for a complete calendar go to November 25-27 - No School - Thanksgiving Break
5. COVID-19 Preparedness and Response Plan Update - MIOSHA
In response to MIOSHA's recent emergency rule changes, the district has updated the COVID-19 Preparedness and Response Plan that was developed earlier this year. The updates are found at the end of the document and are titled: Employee Work Location Expectations by Employee Group.
RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the superintendent to approve the updated COVID-19 Preparedness and Response Plan as attached. MOTION BY _______________________________; SECONDED BY _______________________ BE IT RESOLVED that the Centreville Board of Education approve / not approve the updated COVID-19 Preparedness and Response Plan as attached. ROLL CALL / VOICE VOTE: AYES: BOWEN, DETWEILER, EASH, MILLER, REED, TROYER, WALTON NAYS: BOWEN, DETWEILER, EASH, MILLER, REED, TROYER, WALTON MOTION CARRIED / DEFEATED |
6. NEOLA po8450.05 Emergency Temporary Telecommuting Policy - 1st Reading
The superintendent has received the attached special update policy as a response to MIOSHA's recent emergency rule changes.
RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the superintendent to approve NEOLA's special update po8450.05 Emergency Temporary Telecommuting Policy for a first reading. MOTION BY _______________________________; SECONDED BY _______________________ BE IT RESOLVED that the Centreville Board of Education approve / not approve NEOLA's special update po8450.05 Emergency Temporary Telecommuting Policy for a first reading. ROLL CALL / VOICE VOTE: AYES: BOWEN, DETWEILER, EASH, MILLER, REED, TROYER, WALTON NAYS: BOWEN, DETWEILER, EASH, MILLER, REED, TROYER, WALTON MOTION CARRIED / DEFEATED |
7. Extended Continuity of Learning Plan - November Approval
On August 20, 2020, Governor Whitmer signed House Bill 5913 into law as Public Act 149. Section 98a states that in order to receive state aid for 2020-2021, districts must provide for instruction under an extended COVID-19 Learning Plan ("Plan") that has been approved by an intermediate district or authorizing body. Each month, until June 2021, the BOE must reaffirm the district's Plan. The Plan is attached.
RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the superintendent to reaffirm the district's Extended Continuity of Learning Plan as attached. MOTION BY ______________________________; SECONDED BY _______________________ BE IT RESOLVED that the Centreville Board of Education reaffirms / does not reaffirm the district's Extended Continuity of Learning Plan as attached. ROLL CALL / VOICE VOTE: AYES: BOWEN, DETWEILER, EASH, MILLER, REED, TROYER, WALTON NAYS: BOWEN, DETWEILER, EASH, MILLER, REED, TROYER, WALTON MOTION CARRIED / DEFEATED
8. Budget Amendment
The 2020-21 general fund budget was originally adopted prior to the district knowing the state's per-pupil funding. We now have a better picture of funding, and a budget amendment is required to align with the current forecast for the district. The budget amendment for the general fund is attached.
RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the superintendent, the district's business manager, and the finance committee to approve the general fund budget amendment as presented. MOTION BY _____________________________; SECONDED BY _______________________ BE IT RESOLVED that the Centreville Board of Education approve / not approve the 2020-21 general fund budget amendment as presented. ROLL / VOICE CALL VOTE: AYES: BOWEN, DETWEILER, EASH, MILLER, REED, TROYER, WALTON NAYS: BOWEN, DETWEILER, EASH, MILLER, REED, TROYER, WALTON MOTION CARRIED / DEFEATED
9. New Staff - Lynne Buell
After Shannon Reed's resignation in September, the district posted for a Literacy Coach/Intervention Specialist. Lynne Buell, a graduate of Western Michigan University and Augustana University, was one of the applicants. Her data sheet and information are attached.
RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the superintendent and the elementary principal to approve the hire of Lynne Buell as Literacy Coach/Intervention Specialist. MOTION BY ____________________________; SECONDED BY __________________________ BE IT RESOLVED that the Centreville Board of Education approve / not approve the hire of Lynne Buell as Literacy Coach/Intervention Specialist. ROLL CALL / VOICE VOTE: AYES: BOWEN, DETWEILER, EASH, MILLER, REED, TROYER, WALTON NAYS: BOWEN, DETWEILER, EASH, MILLER, REED, TROYER, WALTON MOTION CARRIED / DEFEATED |
10. Retirement - John Salem
John Salem has submitted a letter indicating his intent to retire. John is a high school science teacher and has been with the district for 1.5 years. His retirement letter is attached. John has agreed to stay with us until a replacement has been hired.
RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the superintendent to accept the retirement of John Salem. MOTION BY ______________________________; SECONDED BY _______________________ BE IT RESOLVED that the Centreville Board of Education accept / not accept the retirement of John Salem. ROLL CALL / VOICE VOTE: AYES: BOWEN, DETWEILER, EASH, MILLER, REED, TROYER, WALTON NAYS: BOWEN, DETWEILER, EASH, MILLER, REED, TROYER, WALTON MOTION CARRIED / DEFEATED |
11. Request for Payment - Bond Bills - Triangle & TowerPinkster
The district has received Application #1 from Triangle Associates and the October billing from PowerPinkster, both for pre-construction services related to Phase 3. The Application and Certificate for Payment from Triangle and the invoices from TowerPinkster are attached.
Triangle - $30,000 TowerPinkster - $36,270.45 Elementary - $17,981.74 - design development (100% billed) Jr/Sr HS - $18,221.28 - design development (100% billed) mileage - $67.43 RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the superintendent to approve payments to Triangle Associates and TowerPinkster as presented. MOTION BY _______________________________; SECONDED BY _______________________ BE IT RESOLVED that the Centreville Board of Education approve / not approve payment of bond bills to Triangle Associates and TowerPinkster as presented. ROLL CALL / VOICE VOTE: AYES: BOWEN, DETWEILER, EASH, MILLER, REED, TROYER, WALTON NAYS: BOWEN, DETWEILER, EASH, MILLER, REED, TROYER, WALTON MOTION CARRIED / DEFEATED |
12. Guest & Visitor Comments
13. Adjournment
MOTION BY ___________________________; SECONDED BY _______________________ BE IT RESOLVED that the Centreville Board of Education adjourn the meeting at ________pm. ROLL CALL / VOICE VOTE: AYES: BOWEN, DETWEILER, EASH, MILLER, REED, TROYER, WALTON AYES: BOWEN, DETWEILER, EASH, MILLER, REED, TROYER, WALTON MOTION CARRIED / DEFEATED |