February 15, 2012 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
Call to Order
Roll Call (Establishment of Quorum)
Pledge of Allegiance
Moment of Silence
Board President Opening Remarks
Open Forum:
Everyday Greatness
Consent Agenda
(Items may be considered individually if so requested by Board)
Approve minutes from the meetings dated January 11 and January 18, 2012.
Approve bills for the month of January in the amount of $949,737.78.
Consider and accept donations and amend the budget as necessary to reflect donations
Special Revenue Funds
Budget Comparison: General Fund and Debt Service Fund
Administrator Reports: department and campus activity updates including SRO report
Legislative Update
Committee Reports
Action Items
Consideration of bids relating to the sale of obligations designated as "Marion Independent School District Unlimited Tax School Building Bonds, Series 2012"; consideration and approval of financial advisor's recommendation concerning this matter; and other matters in connection therewith.
Consideration and approval of an order by the Board of Trustees of the Marion Independent School District authorizing the issuance of "Marion Independent School District Unlimited Tax School Building Bonds, Series 2012"; levying a continuing direct annual ad valorem tax for the payment of the bonds; prescribing the form, terms, conditions, and resolving other matters incident and related to the issuance, sale, and delivery of the bonds, including the approval and disribution of an official statement pertaining thereto; authorizing the execution of a paying agent/registrar agreement; complying with the letter of representations on file with the Depository Trust Company; and providing an effective date.
Discuss and select Construction Manager At Risk and authorize the Superintendent to negotiate the contract with attorney's approval.
Discuss and approve an order calling a Trustee Election for (2) positions and a Special Election for (1) position in the Marion Independent School District for May 12, 2012 and take action as necessary.
Review, discuss and consider nominations for vacant position in the ESC XIII Board of Directors and take action as necessary.
Discuss and consider Legal Services Retainer Agreement with Walsh, Anderson and take action as necessary.
Discuss and consider appointment of committees and take action as necessary.
Closed Session: Personnel - The Marion ISD Board of Trustees will convene in a closed meeting as authorizedby the Texas Open Meetings Act, Texas Government Code, Chapter 551, et seq. for possible Section 551.074 for the purpose of considering the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline, or dismissal of a public oficer or employee or to hear complaints or charges against a public officer or employee.
Status of current district employees
Discuss the employment of a High School Special Education Teacher.
Discuss and consider contracts for campus administrative personnel to include campus principals and high school assistant principal.
Discuss and consider Interim Superintendent's contract.
Items for inclusion on the March 21, 2012 regular Board meeting agenda.