June 20, 2023 at 11:30 AM - June 20, 2023, Regular Board Meeting
Agenda |
Call to Order, Announcements, Presentations, and Governance Business
Roll Call and Recording of Board Members Present-Declaration of Quorum Present
Pledges of Allegiance
Correspondences, Announcements, Presentations, Programs, and Recognitions
Public Comment Concerning Agenda Items
Discussion/Action: Consider Approval of TASB Policy Update 121
Discussion/Action: Consider Approval of AFJROTC Application for Stacey High School
Consent Agenda
Discussion/Action: Consider Approval of Consent Agenda
Discussion/Action: Consider Approval of May 23, 2023 Regular Meeting Minutes
Discussion/Action: Review and Consider Approval of the ESC-20 Commitments for 2023-2024
Discussion/Action: Consider Approval of MOU between Lackland ISD and JJA for 2023-2024
Discussion/Acion: Consider Approval of 2023-2024 College Connection Program Agreement by and between Lackland ISD and Alamo Community College District
Curriculum and Instruction
Discussion: Discuss Annual Report on Violent or Criminal Incidents for 2022-2023
Discussion: Lackland ISD Behavioral and Social and Emotional Support Consideration
Discussion/Review: Review of May 2023 Financial Statements
Discussion/Review: Review of May 2023 Vouchers and Expenditures
Discussion: Group Benefits Provider - Blue Cross Blue Shield
Discussion/Action: Consider Approval of Benefit Plan Proposals for 2023-2024
Discussion/Action: Consider Approval of the Interlocal Participation Agreement (IPA) between Texas Educational Employers Benefit Cooperative (TEEBC) and Lackland ISD
Closed Session
The Board will convene in Closed Session as authorized by the Texas Government Code, Chapter 551, et. Seq. (TGC §551.074 and TGC §551.075)
Superintendent Hired: Karen May - Tracy Thompson - Patrick Payne - Julieta Herrera-Garza - Amber Neely - Enrique Martinez - Hanna Nagel - Lindsey Parent
Superintendent Accepted Resignations: Jihye Dorazio - Margie Bautista
Discussion of Personnel Matters
The Board will reconvene in Open Session and take appropriate action on items discussed in Closed Session.
Other Business and Adjournment
Calendar: Regular Board Meeting July 18, 2023; MCEC Conference July 23-26, 2023