June 21, 2016 at 11:30 AM - Regular
Agenda |
Call to Order, Announcements, Presentations and Governance Business
Roll Call and Recording of Board Members Present-Declaration of Quorum Present
Pledges of Allegiance
Correspondences, Announcements,Presentations, Programs, and Recognitions
Public Comment Concerning Agenda/Non-Agenda Items
Discussion/Action: Approve Minutes of the May 31, 2016 Regular Meeting
Discussion/Action: Review/Approve Board Policy DCE (Local) - Other Types of Contracts
Curriculum and Human Resources
Discussion/Action: Approve 2016-2017 Student Code of Conduct
Discussion: Building 8244 Renovation and Science Classroom Project - Update
Discussion/Action: Approve Vendors and Purchase for Classroom Technology Upgrade
Discussion/Action: Approve HVAC Automation Project
Discussion/Action: Approve Furniture Purchase
Discussion/Review: Review of May 2016 Financial Statements
Discussion/Review: Approve May 2016 Vouchers and Expenditures
Discussion/Action: Approve Education Service Center, Region 20 Contracts for 2016-2017
Discussion/Action: Review and Approve the Compensation Plan for 2016-2017
Discussion/Action: Approve Benefit Plan Proposals for 2016-2017
Discussion/Action: Approve Budget Change #5 - FY 2015-2016
Discussion: Conduct Budget Workshop for 2016-2017
Closed Session
The Board will convene in Closed Session as authorized by the Texas Government Code, Chapter 551, et. Seq. (TGC §551.074 and TGC §551.075)
Superintendent Accepted Resignations: Mr. Tim Millett - Retirement
Superintendent Employed: Jessica Hashimoto, Mariah Ingram Evans, Kaitlin Demers, Georgina Guerrero, Dina Rodriguez, Angela Barrera
Discussion of Personnel Matters
The Board will reconvene in Open Session and take appropriate action on items discussed in Closed Session.
Other Business and Adjournment
Calendar: District Holiday, July 4, 2016; Special Board Meeting, July 12, 2016@11:30am;