November 12, 2018 at 5:30 PM - Board Business Meeting A
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
1.A. Meeting Called to Order
1.A.1. Roll Call of Board Members Present and Declaration of Quorum Present______ Absent______
1.A.1.a. Mrs. Patti Radle
1.A.1.b. Mr. Arthur Valdez
1.A.1.c. Ms. Debra A. Guerrero
1.A.1.d. Mr. Ed Garza
1.A.1.e. Mr. James Howard
1.A.1.f. Mr. Steve Lecholop
1.A.1.g. Mrs. Christina Martinez
1.A.2. Recording of Superintendent Present
1.A.2.a. Mr. Pedro Martinez
1.A.3. Pledge of Allegiance to the U. S. Flag
1.A.4. Salute to the Texas Flag - "Honor the Texas Flag; I pledge allegiance to thee, Texas, one state under God, one and indivisible."
1.B. Citizens' Presentations - 60-minute total time limit for this item
2. Recognitions and Presentations
2.A. Recognition of the Psi Alpha Chapter of the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity as an SAISD Friend of Education
2.B. Recognition of the Financial Services Department for National Awards Received During the 2017-2018 School Year
2.C. Presentation on the 2018-2019 District and Campus Performance Objectives
2.D. Presentation on the 2018-2019 District’s Multi-Hazard Emergency Operations Pla
2.E. Approval of the Schematic Design for the New Administration Building
3. Governance
3.A. Discussion and Action on an Application for State Historic Tax Credits Including Retaining Special Tax Counsel for Jefferson High School
3.B. SAISD Board of Trustee Committee Reports
4. Consent Agenda
4.A. Acceptance of the IT Hardware and Software Management Draft Audit Report as Recommended by the Finance and Audit Committee
4.B. Acceptance of the Vendor Files and IRS Form 1099 Draft Audit Report as Recommended by the Finance and Audit Committee
4.C. Approval of the District’s Comprehensive Annual Financial Report for Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2018
4.D. Approval of the Quarterly Investment Report for July 2018 to September 2018
4.E. Approval of Monthly Budget Reports and Amendments for November 2018
4.F. Approval of the 2018-2019 District and Campus Performance Objectives
4.G. Approval of the 2018-2019 District’s Multi-Hazard Emergency Operations Plan
4.H. Approval of the Ratification of Authorization for the Payment of Invoices to Advancement Via Individual Determination (AVID) for Various Trainings
4.I. Approval of the Renewal of the 2018-2019 Interlocal Agreement between SAISD and the City of San Antonio Department of Human Services
4.J. Approval of the Head Start Agreement for Education Services between SAISD and the City of San Antonio
4.K. Approval of the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the SAISD and Trinity University College Advising Corps for College Access Services
4.L. Approval of Innovative High School Courses, Gifted and Talented (GT Interdisciplinary Studies/Mentor Seminar I – IV)
4.M. Approval of English Language Arts Supplemental Workbooks
4.N. Approval of the Rental Usage of Alamo Convocation Center by the Battle of Flowers Association
4.O. Approval of the Rental Usage of Alamo Stadium, Alamo Convocation Center (ACC) and the Northwest Parking Lot by Drum Corps International
4.P. Approval of the Agreement with Bellwether Education Partners; a Texas Education Agency Matched Grant Design and Implementation Partner to Support SAISD’s Network Principal Initiative
4.Q. Approval of the Schematic Design for the New SAISD Administration Building
4.R. Approval of the Schematic Designs for Bowden Academy and Brackenridge High School in the Bond 2016 Program
4.S. Approval of Award of Modular Classroom Building for Jefferson High School
4.T. Approval of Award of Modular Classroom Buildings for Lanier High School
4.U. Approval of Award of Modular Classroom Buildings for J.T. Brackenridge Elementary School
4.V. Approval of Purchasing Department Recommendations for Bids, Proposals, and Awards
4.W. Approval of the Modification to the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between SAISD and City Year San Antonio for the 2018-2019 School Year
4.X. Approval of Minutes for the following meetings:
4.X.1. October 9, 2018 Public Hearing #1
4.X.2. October 9, 2018 Public Hearing #2
4.X.3. October 9, 2018 Board Business Meeting A
4.X.4. October 15, 2018 Board Business Meeting B
5. Closed Session
5.A. The Board will convene in Closed Session as authorized by the Texas Government Code Chapter 551, et. Seq. (TGC 551.071, TGC 551.072, and TGC 551.074)
5.A.1. Deliberation regarding the purchase, exchange, lease or value of real estate, including legal issues on the acquisition process. (TGC 551.071 and TGC 551.072)
5.A.2. Consultation with legal counsel regarding legal issues on the proposed demolition of a vacant building on the Beacon Hill Elementary School Campus. (TGC 551.071 and TGC 551.072)
5.A.3. Deliberation regarding personnel matters, including but not limited to employment, duties, discipline, reassignment, resignation, retirement, reclassification and dismissal of an employee. (TGC 551.071 and TGC 551.074)
5.A.4. Consultation with attorney and discussion regarding Cause No. 2017-CI-14512; Kelly Isbell v. San Antonio ISD, et al, in the 166th Judicial District Court of Bexar County, Texas. (TGC 551.071)
5.B. The Board will reconvene in Open Session and take appropriate action on items discussed in Closed Session.
6. Other Business and Adjournment
6.A. Adjournment