May 21, 2018 at 5:30 PM - Board Business Meeting B
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
1.A. Meeting Called to Order
1.A.1. Roll Call of Board Members Present and Declaration of Quorum Present______ Absent______
1.A.1.a. Mrs. Patti Radle
1.A.1.b. Mr. Arthur Valdez
1.A.1.c. Ms. Debra A. Guerrero
1.A.1.d. Mr. Ed Garza
1.A.1.e. Mr. James Howard
1.A.1.f. Mr. Steve Lecholop
1.A.1.g. Mrs. Christina Martinez
1.A.2. Recording of Superintendent Present
1.A.2.a. Mr. Pedro Martinez
1.A.3. Pledge of Allegiance to the U. S. Flag
1.A.4. Salute to the Texas Flag - "Honor the Texas Flag; I pledge allegiance to thee, Texas, one state under God, one and indivisible."
1.B. Citizens' Presentations - 60-minute total time limit for this item
2. Recognitions and Presentations
2.A. Recognition of SAISD Students with Perfect Attendance from Grade One through Senior Year
2.B. Recognition of SAISD JROTC High Schools for their Achievements at the United States Army Cadet Command National Drill Team Championship and the All Service Drill Team National Championship
2.C. Update on the SAISD Budget for 2018-2019
3. Governance
3.A. Approval of Revisions to Board Policy FDB (LOCAL) Pertaining to Open Enrollment Initiatives Related to Choice Schools and Choice Programs
3.B. Approval of the Installation of Two Solar-Powered Photo Murals at J.T. Brackenridge Elementary School
3.C. SAISD Board of Trustee Committee Reports
4. Consent Agenda
4.A. Approval of Waiver of Deadline to Provide Notice of Resignation/Retirement Under the Accumulated Leave Attendance Incentive Plan (ALIP) and Board Policy DEC (LOCAL)
4.B. Approval of the Mexican-American Studies Innovative Course for Offering at High Schools during the 2018-2019 School Year
4.C. Approval of the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between SAISD and Relay Graduate School of Education as an Addendum to the Planning Grants from City Education Partners for Relay Summer Experience at Ogden Academy
4.D. Approval to Submit Application to the Texas Education Agency (TEA) for an Attendance Waiver for Low Attendance Day on December 8, 2017
4.E. Approval to Submit Application to the Texas Education Agency (TEA) for an Attendance Waiver for Low Attendance Day on January 17, 2018
4.F. Approval of the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) for Third-Party Skills Testing Provider for Commercial Driver’s License
4.G. Approval of the Professional Services Agreement of American Traffic Solutions for the Stop Arm Safety Camera Enforcement System
4.H. Approval of Architectural Services for the Design of the New Central Office Administration Building
4.I. Approval of Dates and Locations to Conduct Items of Business Regarding the Annual Budget and Setting of the Tax Rate
4.J. Approval of the Proposed 2018-2019 Tax Rate to be Published in the Notice of Public Meeting to Discuss Budget and Proposed Tax Rate
4.K. Approval of Money Network Payroll Cards Program Agreement to Allow Electronic Payment for all District Employees
4.L. Approval of the Review of Investment Policy and Strategies CDA (LOCAL) and CDA (LEGAL)
4.M. Approval of Qualified Investment Brokers/Dealers
4.N. Approval of the Resolution to Request District Participation in the TexasTERM Local Government Investment Pool
4.O. Approval of Purchasing Department Recommendations for Bids, Proposals, and Awards
4.P. Approval of Minutes for the following meetings:
4.P.1. April 9, 2018 Board Business Meeting A
4.P.2. April 16, 2018 Board Business Meeting B
5. Closed Session
5.A. The Board will convene in Closed Session as authorized by the Texas Government Code Chapter 551, et. Seq. (TGC 551.071, TGC 551.072, and TGC 551.074)
5.A.1. Deliberation regarding the purchase, exchange, lease or value of real estate, including legal issues on the acquisition process. (TGC 551.071 and TGC 551.072)
5.A.2. Deliberation regarding personnel matters, including but not limited to employment, duties, discipline, reassignment, resignation, retirement, reclassification and dismissal of an employee. (TGC 551.071 and TGC 551.074)
5.A.3. Consideration of requests to rescind proposed terminations and/or proposed non-renewals of employees voted on at the May 14, 2018 Board meeting and consultation with attorney on same. (TGC 551.071 and TGC 551.074)
5.A.4. Deliberation on the evaluation of the internal auditor. (TGC 551.074)
5.B. The Board will reconvene in Open Session and take appropriate action on items discussed in Closed Session.
6. Other Business and Adjournment
6.A. Adjournment