March 12, 2025 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Roll Call;
2. Pledge of Allegiance;
3. Inform the Public about the location of the Open Meetings Act and the Citizens Participation Rules;
4. Discuss/Consider allowing Dollar General to construct street access from Highway 15; *
5. Minutes of the February 26, 2025 meeting of the Mayor and City Council;
6. Approval of the Claim to D-Sign Shop; *
7. Approval of Claims;
8. Committee and Officer Reports/Butler County Development Board update; *
9. Consider Certificate of Payment #24 in the amount of $80,058.31 to Velocity Constructors Inc. for the 2022 Water Treatment Plant Upgrades; *
10. Consider Pay Estimate #12 in the amount of $1,317,625.23 to BRB Contractors, Inc. for the Wastewater Treatment Plant Improvement Project; *
11. Consider Pay Estimate #2 in the amount of $584,551.74 to General Excavating for theAGP Trunk Sewer Project; *
12. Consider Change Order No. 8 for IES Commercial, Inc. in the amount of $12,074.46 for the‘2023 AGP Substation’ Project; *
13. Consider Pay Application #10 for IES Commercial, Inc. in the amount of $106,590.81 for the ‘AGP Substation Project’; *
14. Consider Ordinance No. 1508 prohibiting shared water service lines between two properties; *
15. Discuss/Consider the City reimbursement of the market value adjustment to the fixed account of the Nationwide retirement plan; *
16. Discuss/Consider JEO’s findings regarding Cooperative Way (Road 37); *
17. Discuss/Consider Accepting an Irrevocable Offer of Dedication of Cooperative Way (Road 37); *
18. Consider agreement with Kirkham Michael for the airport runway rehab; *
19. Consider Resolution No. 8-2025 naming the RV Campground the “Tom Kobus Memorial Campground”; *
20. Consider Ordinance No. 1509 on 2nd reading only annexing the Kozisek properties located in the Southwest Quarter of Section 20, Township 15 North, Range 3 East of the Sixth P.M., Butler County, Nebraska, together with the North 33 feet of the Northwest Quarter of Section 29, Township 15 North, Range 3 East of the Sixth P.M., Butler County, Nebraska adjacent to said Kozisek properties; *
21. Consider Ordinance No. 1510 on 2nd reading only annexing the Tim & Lori Wollmer property located in the South half of the Southwest Quarter of Section 20, Township 15 North, Range 3 East of the Sixth P.M., Butler County, Nebraska, with a physical address of 1375 C Street(Parcel #120035672) being legally described above; *
22. Consider Ordinance No. 1511 on 2nd reading only annexing the Amy Dayhoff property located in the south half of the Southwest Quarter of Section 20, Township 15 North, Range 3 East of theSixth P.M., Butler County, Nebraska (Parcel #120035673) being legally described above; *
23. Consider purchasing a motor grader from Murphy Equipment; *
24. Discussion regarding hiring an Economic Developer;
25. Appointment of a site plan review committee per 2024 Zoning Regulations;*
26. Discuss/Consider applying for a grant through SENDD for the Nebraska Affordable Housing Trust Fund (NAHTF); *
27. Consider closed session for personnel, contracts, or pending litigation (as necessary); *
28. Adjourn;