April 11, 2022 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Roll Call and Establish Quorum
4. Recognition of Guests
5. Open Forum to address the Board
6. Consent Items:
6.A. Approve the Minutes from the March 07,2022 Regular School Board meeting, and the March 06, March 25 and March 31, 2022 Special Called School Board meetings.
6.B. Approve the Monthly Financial Reports for the month of March 2022.
6.C. Consideration and possible approval of sending out Requests for Proposals for audit firms for the fiscal audit for the years ending August 31, 2022 and August 31, 2023.
6.D. Consideration and possible approval of Budget Amendment for the purchase of truck.
6.E. Consideration and possible approval of Budget Amendment for the purchase of an ice machine for the cafeteria.
6.F. Consideration and possible approval of notifying the Commissioner of Education of OISD's intent to renew the District of Innovation plan for August 1, 2022.
6.G. Consideration and possible approval of the Appraisal Calendar for 2022-2023.
6.H. Tabled Item: TASB Amended Interlocal Participation Agreement with TASB Risk Manangement Fund.
6.I. Consideration and possible approval of using Health Special Risk, Inc. for student and athletic insurance including catastrophic coverage.
6.J. Consideration and possible approval of allowing the superintendent to bid on lighting and poles for athletic fields.
7. Information Items:
7.A. Presentation by Mr. Patrick Woods of Perdue Brandon Fielder Collins and Mott LLP concerning services provided by PBFCM LLP.
7.B. Information concerning District Alternative Education Placement location for Overton ISD students.
7.C. Information concerning identification vests for employees.
7.D. Financial Information Reports for the month of March 2022.
7.E. Elementary School Principal's Report
7.F. Secondary School Principal's Report
7.G. Athletic Director's Report
7.H. Maintenance Report
7.I. Technology Director's Report
7.J. Superintendent's Report
8. Executive Session
8.A. Property
8.B. Personnel
8.B.1. Discipline
8.B.2. Employment
8.B.3. Resignations
9. Consideration and possible approval of items discussed in executive session.
10. Adjournment