November 19, 2019 at 5:30 PM - Regular
Agenda |
I. Call to Order
I.A. Announcement by the president whether a quorum is present, that the meeting has been duly called and notice of meeting has been posted for the time and manner required by law.
II. Invocation
II.A. Rev. W.V. Gunn, Clark Street Christian Church
III. Presentation of Colors - GHS NJROTC
IV. Recognition
IV.A. Emerald Girls-Carver Elementary
IV.B. Teacher Supply Closet Directors - Jan Teeters and Renda Loftin
IV.C. Recognition of "Hero of Hope"
V. Open Forum and Public Comment for Agenda Items
VI. Comments from Individual Board Members
VII. FIRST Report Card Public Hearing
VIII. Reports/Discussion Items
VIII.A. Superintendent's Report
VIII.A.I. District News Update
VIII.B. Communications
VIII.B.I. Greenville Educational Enrichment Foundation Report - Anji Taylor GEEF Board President
VIII.C. Teaching and Learning
VIII.C.I. Xello - Connecting Students to their Future
VIII.C.II. Targeted Improvement Plan (Travis/6 Grade Center and Crockett)
VIII.D. Finance
VIII.D.I. Strategic Plan Update-Funding and Finance 3.1
VIII.E. Governance
VIII.E.I. Board Goals
IX. Action and Discussion Items
IX.A. Consider Approval of Committed Fund Balance Resolution
IX.B. Consider Approval of Annual Financial Audit Report
IX.C. Consider Approval of Hunt County Appraisal District Board of Directors Election Votes
X. Discussion Items (Future Action Items)
X.A. Consider Approval of the Annual Investment Report and District Investment Policy
X.B. Consider Approval of Transfer to Capital Projects Fund
X.C. Consider Approval of Board Members Assigned to the School Safety and Security Committee
X.D. Security and Law Enforcement
X.D.I. Consider Approval of a Crime Stoppers Program
XI. Consent Agenda
XI.A. Monthly Budgetary Financial Report
XI.B. Consider Approval of Budget Amendment to Transfer Funds to Playoff Account
XI.C. Consider Approval of Purchase over $50,000 - Advanced Roofing Systems
XI.D. Consider Approval of Vendor List
XI.E. Board Minutes for October 15, 2019 and October 29, 2019
XII. Open Forum and Public Comment for Non-Agenda Items
XIII. Closed Session
XIII.A. Closed meeting will be held for the purposes authorized by the Texas Open Meetings Act, Texas Government Code Section 551.071 et seq. concerning any and all purposes permitted by the Act, including but not limited to the following sections and purposes:
XIII.A.I. Pursuant to section 551.071, Texas Government Code, consultation with the board’s Attorney
in person or by telephone conference, on all subjects or matter authorized by law. |
XIII.A.I.a. Consider legal advice regarding personnel issues.
XIII.A.I.b. Consider legal advice regarding any agenda action item.
XIII.A.II. Texas Government Code Section 551.074 For the purpose of considering the appointment, employment, resignation, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline, termination or dismissal of a public officer or employee; or to hear a complaint or charge against an officer or employee, unless the officer or employee who is the subject of the deliberation or hearing requests an open hearing, including:
XIII.A.II.a. consider seeking sanctions against employee certificate for contract abandonment.
XIV. Action on Closed Session Items
XIV.A. Professional New Hires
XIV.B. Consider employee resignation without good cause and proposed complaint to the State Board of Educator Certification for abandonment of contract, without good cause.
XV. Future Agenda / Information Items
XV.A. Board Secretary Report
XVI. Future Meetings/Workshops
XVII. Adjournment