April 16, 2019 at 5:30 PM - Regular
Agenda |
I. Call to Order
I.A. Announcement by the president whether a quorum is present, that the meeting has been duly called and notice of meeting has been posted for the time and manner required by law.
II. Invocation
II.A. Pastor Ben McGraw, Crosspoint Fellowship
III. Presentation of Colors - GHS NJROTC
IV. Recognition
IV.A. Recognition of GISD ACE program students and instructors: Fluor Challenge State Award, Facebook National Award, Hero of Hope
IV.B. Recognition of GISD Super Teachers for the 3rd Nine Weeks
IV.C. Recognition of GISD Lawn Maintenance Professional, Paul Oladipupo
IV.D. Recognition of Hero of Hope
V. Receive Individuals and /or Delegates
VI. Comments from Individual Board Members
VII. Reports/Discussion Items
VII.A. Superintendent's Report
VII.A.I. District News Update
VII.B. Board Officer's Report
VII.B.I. Board President Annual Announcement on Continuing Education of Board Members in compliance with 19 TAC Chapter 61.1
VII.C. Teaching and Learning
VII.C.I. Presentation by Trusted World
VII.C.II. EMT Program
VII.C.III. Head Start Program Performance Federal Audit Results
VII.D. Strategic Plan - Communications Update
VIII. Action and Discussion Items
VIII.A. Consider Approval of Child Nutrition Budget & Yearly Contract Renewal With Chartwells
VIII.B. Consider Approval of Accelerated Instruction Provision after the Third Administration of SSI
IX. Discussion Items (Future Action Items)
IX.A. 2019-20 Student Dress Code
X. Consent Agenda
X.A. Monthly Budgetary Financial Report
X.B. Quarterly Investment Report
X.C. Consider Approval of Vendor List
X.D. Consider Approval of Budget Amendment
X.E. Consider Approval of 2018-2019 Hunt County Head Start Self Assessment
X.F. Consider Approval of 2019-2020 Hunt County Head Start Program Plan
X.G. Consider Approval of 2019-2020 Hunt County Head Start Application
X.H. Consider Approval of 2019-2020 Hunt County Head Start Program Budget
X.I. Consider Approval of Third Reading and Adoption of Policy Update 112 affecting (LOCAL) Policies
X.J. Consider Approval of Instructional Materials Allotment (IMA) Expenditures – Proclamation 2019 – Instructional Materials Adoption
X.K. Board Minutes for March 26, 2019, April 3, 2019 and April 8, 2019
XI. Closed Session
XI.A. Closed meeting will be held for the purposes authorized by the Texas open meetings Act, Texas Government Code Section 551.071 et seq. concerning any and all purposes permitted by the Act, including but not limited to the following sections and purposes:
XI.A.I. Texas Government Code Section 551.071 Consultation with the board’s attorney on all subjects or matter authorized by law.
XI.A.I.a. Consider legal advice regarding personnel issues.
XI.A.I.b. Consider legal advice regarding any agenda action item.
XI.A.II. Texas Government Code Section 551.072 To deliberate the purchase, exchange, lease, or value of real property if deliberation in an open meeting would have a detrimental effect on the board's position in negotiations with a third person.
XI.A.III. Texas Government Code Section 551.074 For the purpose of considering the appointment, employment, resignation, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline, termination or dismissal of a public officer or employee.
XI.A.III.a. Closed session pursuant to Section 551.074 of the Texas Government Code to deliberate the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline, or dismissal of a public officer or employee to include extending probationary and term one year and two year term contracts, to certified teachers, counselors, librarians, nurses, diagnosticians and administrators.
XII. Action on Closed Session Items
XII.A. Professional New Hires
XII.B. Consider and take possible action regarding approval of administrative and other employee contracts as presented by the Superintendent.
XII.C. Consideration and possible action regarding recommendations of the Superintendent to extend probationary and term one year and two year term contracts, certified teachers, counselors, librarians, nurses, diagnosticians and administrators as identified in Exhibits as presented by the Superintendent.
XIII. Future Agenda Items
XIV. Future Meetings/Workshops
XV. Adjournment