July 17, 2018 at 5:30 PM - Regular
Agenda |
I. Call to Order
I.A. Announcement by the president whether a quorum is present, that the meeting has been duly called and notice of meeting has been posted for the time and manner required by law.
I.B. Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance
II. Receive Individuals and /or Delegates
III. Reports/Discussion Items
III.A. Superintendent's Report
III.A.I. District News Update
III.B. Finance
III.B.I. Second Reading of 2018-2019 Budget
III.C. Maintenance and Operations
III.C.I. Receipt and First Reading of Policy Update 111 affecting (Local) Policy
III.D. Technology
III.D.I. 2018-2019 eRate Wireless Upgrade Information
IV. Action Items
IV.A. Selection of TASB Convention Delegate
IV.B. Set Budget and Tax Rate Hearing Dates for Advertising Required Budget and Tax Rate Notices
IV.C. Consider Approval of 2018- 2019 Hunt County Head Start Program Application/Budget with Cost of Living Adjustment COLA
V. Discussion Items (Future Action Items)
V.A. Consider Approval of Purchase over $50,000 - TASB Worker's Compensation Program
V.B. Consider Approval of Purchase over $50,000 - TASB Casualty and Legal Liability Insurance
V.C. Consider Approval of the 2018-2019 Student Code of Conduct
V.D. Consider Approval of TASB Board of Directors
VI. Consent Agenda
VI.A. June Monthly Financial Report
VI.B. Quarterly Investment Report
VI.C. Consider Approval of Child Nutrition Lunch Price Increase
VI.D. Consider Approval of 457(b) FICA Alternative Plan Resolution and Interlocal Agreement
VI.E. Consider Approval of Vendor List
VI.F. Consider Approval of First Public Authorized Representative Add Form
VI.G. Consider Approval of Bids on Resale Properties
VI.H. Board Minutes for June 18, 2018 and June 19, 2018
VII. Closed Session
VII.A. Closed meeting will be held for the purposes authorized by the Texas open meetings Act, Texas Government Code Section 551.071 et seq. concerning any and all purposes permitted by the Act, including but not limited to the following sections and purposes:
VII.A.I. Texas Government Code Section 551.071 Consultation with the board’s attorney on all subjects or matter authorized by law.
VII.A.I.a. Consider legal advice regarding any agenda action item.
VII.A.I.b. Consider legal advice regarding personnel issues.
VII.A.II. Texas Government Code Section 551.074 For the purpose of considering the appointment, employment, ratification of employee contracts, resignation, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline, termination or dismissal of a public officer or employee.
VII.A.II.a. Closed session pursuant to Section 551.074 of the Texas Government Code to deliberate the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline, or dismissal of a public officer or employee.
VIII. Action on Closed Session Items
VIII.A. Professional New Hires
VIII.A.I. Consider Approval of Professional New Hires as Recommended
VIII.A.II. Consider Ratification of Employment Contracts as Recommended
IX. Comments from Individual Board Members
IX.A. SLI Learning Experiences
X. Future Agenda Items
XI. Future Meetings/Workshops
XI.A. August 13 (Budget Workshop-Public Hearing)
XII. Adjournment