March 29, 2011 at 6:00 PM - Regular
Agenda |
I. Call to Order
I.A. Announcement by the president whether a quorum is present, that the meeting has been duly called and notice of meeting has been posted for the time and manner required by law.
I.B. Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance
II. Recognition
II.A. UIL Academic Winners from Carver Elementary, Crockett Elementary and the Sixth Grade Center
II.B. Hunt County Spelling Bee Winner- Isaiah Dean
III. Receive Individuals and /or Delegates
IV. Reports/Discussion Items
IV.A. Superintendent's Report
IV.A.I. District Update
IV.A.II. Principal's Report
IV.A.II.a. District Report
IV.A.II.b. L.P. Waters Early Childhood Center
IV.A.II.c. Bowie Elementary
IV.A.II.d. Carver Elementary
IV.A.II.e. Crockett Elementary
IV.A.II.f. Lamar Elementary
IV.A.II.g. Travis Elementary
IV.A.II.h. Greenville 6th Grade Center
IV.A.II.i. Greenville Middle School
IV.A.II.j. Greenville High School
IV.A.II.k. Houston Education Center
IV.B. Finance
IV.B.I. School Finance Update & Incentive Program Update
IV.C. Curriculum & Instruction
IV.C.I. McKinney Vento Homeless-Cathy Garner
IV.C.II. Bullying Update-Margaret Berger & Cathy Garner
IV.D. Student Services
IV.D.I. PBMAS Report - Barbara Price
V. Action and Discussion Items
V.A. Cancellation of Election for Districts Three and Four
V.B. Modified 2010-2011 School Calendar due to missed days for inclement weather
V.C. Revision to the 2011-2012 School Calendar
V.D. Consider a Position Statement on School Finance to Legislature
VI. Consent Agenda
VI.A. Proclamation 2011 (Adoption of Instructional Materials)
VI.B. Monthly Financial Report
VI.C. Approved Vendor List
VI.D. Engagement of External Audit Firm for year Ending August 31, 2011
VI.E. Board Minutes
VI.F. Third Reading & Adoption of Policy Update 89
VI.G. Second Reading & Adoption of LOCAL Policy Updates
VII. Closed Session
VII.A. Closed meeting will be held for the purposes authorized by the Texas open meetings Act, Texas Government Code Section 551.071 et seq. concerning any and all purposes permitted by the Act, including but not limited to the following sections and purposes:
VII.A.I. Texas Government Code Section 551.071 Consultation with the board’s attorney on all subjects or matter authorized by law.
VII.A.I.a. Consider legal advice regarding personnel issues.
VII.A.I.b. Consider legal advice regarding any agenda action item.
VII.A.II. Texas Government Code Section 551.074 For the purpose of considering the appointment, employment, resignation, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline, termination or dismissal of a public officer or employee.
VII.A.II.a. Closed session pursuant to Section 551.074 of the Texas Government Code to deliberate the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline, or dismissal of a public officer or employee to include Athletic Director/Head Football Coach.
VIII. Action on Closed Session Items
VIII.A. Consideration and possible action regarding recommendations of the Superintendent to extend term contracts, probationary contracts and/or Part-Time Educator Agreement to certified teachers, counselors, librarians, nurses, diagnosticians and to include the Athletic Director/Head Football Coach as identified in Exhibit A.
VIII.B. Consideration and possible action regarding recommendations of the Superintendent to extend non-Chapter 21 contracts to employees as identified in Exhibit A.
VIII.C. Professional New Hires
IX. Future Agenda Items
X. Adjournment