June 7, 2007 at 5:30 PM - Regular
Agenda |
I. Call to Order
I.A. Announcement by the president whether a quorum is present, that the meeting has been duly called and notice of meeting has been posted for the time and manner required by law.
I.B. Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance
II. Receive Individuals and /or Delegates
III. Reports
III.A. Superintendent's Report
III.A.I. Air Force JR R.O.T.C. Application
III.B. Curriculum and Instruction
III.B.I. Carver Elementary Awarded The Laura Bush Foundation for America's Libraries Grant
III.C. Business and Operations
III.C.I. TASB Loss Prevention Grant Recipient-$4,000.00 Maximum Awarded
IV. Action and Discussion Items
IV.A. Budget Amendment
IV.B. Proposal for Telephone System
IV.C. Proposal for Bus Cameras
IV.D. Professional New Hires
IV.E. Organization of Facility Committee
IV.F. Consideration and Possible Action Regarding the Authorization by the Board for the Superintendent to Issue Contracts for, and the Board President to Execute Contracts for, Personnel in Critical Shortage Areas Identified by the Board from June 8, 2007 to July 13, 2007, Specifically in the Areas of : Bilingual, ESL, Foreign Language, Math, Science, and Special Education, and that the Board Consider the Ratification of such contracts at its Meeting on July 16, 2007.
IV.G. Real Property Contract for Purchase of 15+/- Acres also known as A0440 Hart William R. Res. 14.492+/- AC. divided as Tract One 4.005 Acres, Tract Two 1.514 Acres, Tract Three 1.880 Acres and Tract Four 7.05 Acres Contiguous to 9.82 Acres of Current School Property.
IV.H. Adoption of TASB Policy Update 80
V. Consent Agenda
V.A. Board Minutes
V.B. Principals' Report
V.B.I. L.P. Waters Early Childhood Center
V.B.II. Bowie Elementary
V.B.III. Carver Elementary
V.B.IV. Crockett Elementary
V.B.V. Lamar Elementary
V.B.VI. Travis Elementary
V.B.VII. Greenville Intermediate School
V.B.VIII. Greenville Middle School
V.B.IX. Greenville High School
V.B.X. Houston Education Center
V.C. Monthly Financial Report
V.D. Authorize Bank Signatures
V.E. Approved Vendor List
V.F. Purchase of Furniture
V.G. Acute Shortage Areas of Personnel based on TEA Guidelines
VI. Closed Session
VII. Action on Closed Session Items
VIII. Future Agenda Items
IX. Adjournment