October 16, 2023 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call Meeting to Order, Establish Quorum, Pledge and Prayer
2. Presentations
Mr. Dragon
2.A. Recognition of TRISD Principals and Assistant Principals in honor of Principal Appreciation Month
2.B. Elementary Campus Improvement Plan
2.C. Jr/Sr High School Campus Improvement Plan
3. Public Comments
4. Consider, Discuss and Take Possible Action on the Three Rivers ISD 2023-2024 Elementary Campus Improvement Plan
Mr. Dragon
5. Reports
5.A. Elementary School Report
5.B. Financial Reports
5.C. Superintendent's Report
6. Approval of Consent Agenda Items
6.A. Set November 2023 Regular Meeting Date
6.B. September 18, 2023 Regular Meeting Minutes
7. Consider, Discuss and Take Possible Action to Approve an Agreement for the Purchase of Attendance Credit (Option 3 Agreement) and to Delegate Contractual Authority to the Superintendent.
Mr. Dragon
8. Consider, Discuss, and Take Possible Action on the Proposed Revised TRISD DEC (Local) Policy regarding Local Leave
Mr. Dragon
9. Consider, Discuss and Take Possible Action on the approval of the Live Oak County Appraisal District Board of Directors Nominations
Mr. Dragon
10. Consider, Discuss and Take Possible Action on the bids for a 2023 Ford Expedition Max
Mr. Dragon
11. Closed Session:
Discuss, pursuant to Government Code Section 551.072, the possible sale of District-owned real property
Mr. Benham
12. Open Session
Consider and take possible action on sale of District real property pursuant to Local Government Code §272.001, identified as the following: Approximately 1.666 acres of land and any improvements thereon, more particularly described in Trustee Deed from Milbern Lee Wood, Jr, Trustee of the Dorothy Lee Pope Management Trust to the Three Rivers Independent School District, dated August 10, 2023 and recorded in Vol. 491 Page 338, Deed Records of Live Oak County, Texas, from Tract Nos. 1697 and 1698, each containing five (5) acres of land, more or less, in the Dr. Chas F. Simmons Nueces River Farms Subdivision in Live Oak County.
Mr. Benham
13. Adjourn