February 21, 2022 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call Meeting to Order, Establish Quorum, Pledge and Prayer
2. Presentation on Proposed Rio Vista Estates Subdivision Tax Abatement for Three Rivers ISD Faculty & Staff (James Duerr, Realtor, Berkshire Hathaway)
3. National Blue Ribbon School Nomination Recognition-TRISD Elementary
Mr. Dragon
4. Public Comments
5. Reports
5.A. Campus Reports
5.B. Financial Reports
5.C. Superintendent's Report
6. Approval of Consent Agenda Items
6.A. January 20, 2022 Regular Meeting Minutes
6.B. Set March 2022 Meeting Date
7. Consider, Discuss and Take Possible Action to Approve Audit Services for Fiscal Year 2022
Mr. Dragon/Mrs. Anderson
8. Closed Session, If Needed-As Authorized by the Texas Open Meetings Act, Texas Government Code Section 551:
551.074-Considering the Appointment, Employment, Evaluation, Reassignment, Duties, Discipline or Dismissal of a Public Officer or Employee or to Hear a Complaint Against a Public Officer or Employee
Mr. Benham
8.A. Consider and Discuss Employment, Resignations, Retirements and/or Non-renewals of Administrators, Directors, Educators and Teacher Contracts
8.A.a. Consider and Discuss Administrator/Director Contracts and Teacher Contract
8.A.b. Consider and Discuss Resignations/Retirements
9. Open Session-Open Session Action, If Any, on Closed Session Deliberations:
Mr. Benham
9.A. Take possible action on Employment, Resignations, Retirements and/or Non-Renewals of Administrators, Directors, Educators and Teacher Contracts
9.A.a. Take possible action on Administrator/Directors contracts and Teacher Contract
9.A.b. Take possible action on staff resignations and/or retirement
10. Adjourn