November 15, 2021 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call Meeting to Order, Establish Quorum, Pledge and Prayer
Mr. Benham
2. Public Hearing On Financial Integrity Rating System of Texas (F.I.R.S.T.)
Mr. Dragon/Mrs. Anderson
3. Public Comments
Mr. Benham
4. Reports
Mr. Dragon
4.A. Campus Reports
4.B. Financial Reports
4.C. Superintendent's Report
5. Approval of Consent Agenda Items
Mr. Dragon
5.A. October 18, 2021 Regular Meeting Minutes
5.B. Set December 2021 Meeting Date and January 2022 Meeting Date
6. Consider, Discuss and Take Possible Action to approve the Resolution and to Cast Votes for the Bee County Appraisal Board
Mr. Dragon
7. Consider, Discuss and Take Possible Action to Cast Votes for the Live Oak County Appraisal Board
Mr. Dragon
8. Consider, Discuss and Take Possible Action on the CareerCraft Statement of Work
Mr. Dragon
9. Consider, Discuss and Take Possible Action on the Request for Proposal (RFP) for Grant Writing Services
Mr. Dragon
10. Consider, Discuss and Take Possible Action on Proposed School District Repairs- (McKinstry)
Mr. Dragon
11. Consider, Discuss and Take Possible Action on the bids for the Jr/Sr High School HVAC Controls
Mr. Dragon
12. Consider, Discuss and Take Possible Action on the Fire Alarm System in the Ag Building
Mr. Dragon
13. Consider, Discuss and Take Possible Action on the 2021 Live Oak County Tax Roll Estimate
Mr. Dragon/Mrs. Anderson
14. Closed Session, If Needed- As Authorized by the Texas Open Meetings Act, Texas Government Code Section 551:
Mr. Benham
14.A. Pursuant to Texas Government Code 551.074: Consider and Discuss Employment and Resignations of Personnel
15. Open Session- Open Session Action, If Any, on Closed Session Deliberations:
Mr. Benham
15.A. Take Possible Action on Staff Contracts and Resignations of Personnel
16. Adjourn