September 21, 2020 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call Meeting to Order, Establish Quorum, Pledge and Prayer
Mr. Arnst
2. Public Comments
Mr. Arnst
3. Reports
Mr. Dragon
3.A. Campus Reports
3.B. Financial Reports
3.C. Superintendent's Report
4. Approval of Consent Agenda Items
Mr. Dragon
4.A. TRISD Learning Plan
4.B. Board Letter to Commissioner Morath
4.C. Continuity of Operation Plan (Addendum to Emergency Operations Plan)
4.D. August 31, 2020 Regular Meeting Minutes
4.E. October 2020 Meeting Date
5. Consider, Discuss and Take Possible Action on the 2020-2021 TRISD Student Dress Code
Mr. Dragon
6. Consider and Take Possible Action to approve the Contract for Election Services between TRISD and the City of Three Rivers
Mr. Dragon
7. Consider, Discuss and Take Possible Action on the Agreement to Purchase Attendance Credits
Mr. Dragon
8. Closed Session
Mr. Arnst
8.A. The board will convene in closed session if needed, Pursuant to Texas Government Code 551.074, Consider and Discuss hiring, reassignment, and retirement of personnel
9. Open Session
Mr. Arnst
In subsequent open session the board may take action on items discussed in closed session.
9.A. Consider and take possible action on Hiring, Reassignment, and Retirement of Personnel
10. Adjourn