August 22, 2023 at 5:35 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
I. Call to Order / Forum for Public Comment
II. Roll Call
III. Certification of Posting the Notice of the Meeting
IV. President's Report
IV.A. College News
IV.B. Calendar of Events
IV.C. Recent Donations to College Foundation
V. Items of Information
V.A. Personnel Action Under President's Authority
VI. Subjects to be Discussed or Considered or Upon Which Any Formal Action May be Taken
VI.A. Consider Approval of Consent Agenda
VI.A.1. Consider Approval of Minutes of Previous Meeting
VI.A.2. Consider Monthly Finance Report
VI.A.3. Consider Approval of Directors & Officers Liability Insurance for NTCC Foundation
VI.A.4. Consider Approval of Contract Extension with Depository Bank
VI.A.5. Update to Local Policies (see list below)
VI.B. Consider Approval of the 2023-2024 Operating Budget - Dr. Clinton
VI.C. Consider Adoption of the 2023-2024 Tax Rate - Dr. Clinton
VI.D. Consider Approval of Revisions to Tuition and Fee Rates - Dr. Clinton
VI.E. Consider Approval of Revisions to Special Course Fees - Dr.Clinton
VI.F. Consider Resolution to Nominate a Candidate for the Morris County Appraisal District Board of Directors - Dr. Clinton
VI.G. Consider Releasing the Vice President for Administrative Services from Employment Contract - Dr. Clinton
VI.H. Consider Releasing the Admissions Coordinator from Employment Contract - Ms. Irvin
VI.I. Consider Employment of the Director of Culinary Arts - Dr. Rose
VI.J. Consider Employment of Assistant Softball Coach/Assistant Housing Director - Dr. McCullough
VI.K. Consider Releasing the Head Softball Coach from Employment Contract - Dr. McCullough
VI.L. Consider Employment of College Navigator - Ms. Irvin
VI.M. Consider Releasing the Assistant Softball Coach/Assistant Housing Director from Employment Contract - Dr. McCullough
VI.N. Consider Releasing the Assistant Baseball Coach/Assistant Housing Director from Employment Contract - Dr. McCullough
VI.O. Consider Employment of Faculty Member in Spanish - Ms. Ingram
VI.P. Consider Employment of Faculty Member in Criminal Justice - Dr. Rose
VI.Q. Consider Employment of Faculty Member in Nursing - CNA - Ms. Ingram
VI.R. Consider Employment of Faculty Member in Funeral Service Education - Ms. Ingram
VI.S. Consider Employment of Faculty Member in Funeral Service Education - Ms. Ingram
VI.T. Consider Employment of Head Softball Coach - Dr. McCullough
VI.U. Consider Employment of Director of Residential Life - Ms. Irvin
VI.V. Consider Employment of Dean of Institutional Effectiveness and Innovation - Dr. Clinton
VII. Executive Session
VII.A. Personnel - Texas Govt. Code Sections 551.074
VII.B. Purchase, exchange, lease, or value of real property - Texas Government Code Section 551.072
VII.C. Private consultation with board's attorney - Texas Govt. Code Section 551.071
VII.D. Prospective Gifts or Donations - Texas Govt. Code Section 551.073
VIII. Adjournment
Local Policy Action List BGC (LOCAL): Administrative Organization Plan - Councils and Faculty Senates DEC (LOCAL): Compensation and Benefits - Leaves and Absences DGBA (LOCAL): Personnel Management Relations - Employee Grievances DGC (LOCAL): Employee Rights and Privileges - Employ Expression and Use of College Facilities DIAB (LOCAL): Freedom from Discrimination, Harassment, and Retaliation - Other Protected Characteristics DJ (LOCAL): Assignment, Work Load, and Schedules DLA (LOCAL): Employee Performance - Evaluation DNA (LOCAL): Personnel Positions - Qualifications and Duties DP (LOCAL): Employee Awards ECC (LOCAL): Instructional Arrangements - Course Load and Schedules EFA (LOCAL): Curriculum Design - Instructional Programs and Courses EGAA (LOCAL): Grading and Credit - Credit by Examination FB (LOCAL): Admissions FFB (LOCAL): Student Welfare - Student Insurance FFDA (LOCAL): Freedom from Discrimination, Harassment, and Retaliation - Sex and Sexual Violence FFDB (LOCAL): Freedom from Discrimination, Harassment, and Retaliation - Other Protected Characteristics FFE (LOCAL): Student Welfare - Freedom from Bullying FG (LOCAL): Student Housing FI (LOCAL): Student Solicitations FJ (LOCAL): Student Records FKC (LOCAL): Student Activities - Registered Student Organizations FLA (LOCAL): Student Rights and Responsibilities - Student Expression and Use of College Facilities FLD (LOCAL): Student Rights and Responsibilities - Student Complaints FLE (LOCAL): Student Rights and Responsibilities - Involvement in Decision Making FMA (LOCAL): Discipline and Penalties - Discipline Procedure GD (LOCAL): Community Expression and Use of College Facilities |