February 25, 2014 at 6:00 PM - Regular
Agenda |
I. Call to Order / Forum for Public Comment
II. Roll Call
III. Certification of Posting the Notice of the Meeting
IV. Mt. Pleasant Educational Cooperative - Judd Marshall, MPISD Superintendent; Charlie Smith, MPEDC Executive Director; Brad Johnson, NTCC President
V. President's Report
V.A. College News
V.B. Calendar of Events
V.C. Recent Donations to College Foundation
VI. Items of Information
VI.A. Personnel Action Under President's Authority
VI.B. Strategic Plan Report
VI.C. Report on Agriculture Program - Dr. Clinton & Dr. Rose
VI.D. Update on Career & Technical Education - Dr. Clinton
VI.E. Notice of Sale on Struck-Off Properties in Camp County - Ms. Thompson
VII. Subjects to be Discussed or Considered or Upon Which Any Formal Action May be Taken
VII.A. Consider Approval of Consent Agenda
VII.A.1. Consider Approval of Minutes of Previous Meeting
VII.A.2. Consider Monthly Finance Report
VII.A.3. Consider Approval of 2013-2014 Academic Calendar
VII.B. Consider Approval of Tuition & Fee Recommendation - Ms. Thompson
VII.C. Consider Approval of Insurance Bids (Property, Legal Liability, Auto, General Liability, Workman's Comp)
VII.D. Consider Approval of Revised Budget - Ms. Thompson
VII.E. Consider Approval of Order Calling the General Election - Dr. Johnson
VII.F. Consider Approval of Resolution to hold Joint Election with Pewitt Consolidated Independent School District, City of Omaha, City of Marietta, and City of Naples - Dr. Johnson
VII.G. Consider Approval of Resolution to hold Joint Election with Titus County - Dr. Johnson
VII.H. Consider Waiver of Penalty & Interest on Property in Camp County - Ms. Thompson
VII.I. Consider Approval of Certificates in Graphic Design - Dr. Clinton
VII.J. Consider Deactivating Dental Hygiene Program - Dr. Clinton
VII.K. Consider Employment of Network Support Technician - Dr. Johnson
VII.L. Consider Approval of Employment Contract for Coordinator of Continuing Education - Dr. Johnson
VII.M. Consider Employment of Financial Aid Coordinator - Dr. Johnson
VII.N. Consider Employment of Student Support Services Coordinator - Dr. Johnson
VII.O. Consider Potential Real Estate Transactions - Dr. Johnson
VIII. Executive Session
VIII.A. Personnel - Texas Govt. Code Sections 551.074 and 551.082
VIII.B. Purchase, exchange, lease, or value of real property - Texas Government Code Section 551.072
IX. Adjournment