February 11, 2020 at 5:30 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Welcome and Call to Order - Mrs. Rebecca Linnemeier, President
2. Pledge of Allegiance - Mr. Vince Beasley
3. WCSC Vision - "All Wawasee Community School Corporation students are confident, well-rounded, college and career ready citizens who possess integrity and positively impact their communities". - Mr. Vince Beasley
4. Invocation - Mr. Jim Evans
5. Patron Comments - Mrs. Rebecca Linnemeier
6. "Good News" - Dr. Tom Edington
6.a. Relay for Life Fundraiser for American Cancer Society
6.b. IHSAA Exemplary Behavior Report - Wawasee Cheerleader Nyla White
6.c. JAG Career Development Conference - 3rd Place
6.d. Wawasee Wrestling Sectional Champions
6.e. Armstrong Educator Award Nomination
6.f. New Student Artwork and Frames in Warrior Room
6.g. EPIC Superintendents Academy Graduates Cohort 3 - Mrs. Linnemeier
6.h. Trauma Training for Local Childcare Personnel
6.i. WHS Art Teacher Receives Lilly Endowment Teacher Creativity Fellowship
6.j. Wawasee Community Schools Receive Women of Today Donation - Mrs. Holly Tuttle
7. Grouped Action Items
7.a. Approval of Minutes
7.a.1) Regular Board Meeting Minutes - January 14, 2020
7.b. Support Services Personnel Recommendations
7.c. Certified Personnel Recommendations
7.d. Claims
8. Reports
8.a. Wawasee Community School Corporation Pathways Report - Mr. Vince Beasley
9. Additional Action Items
9.a. Financial Report - Mr. Jim Evans
9.b. Approval of Out-of-State/Overnight Trips - Dr. Tom Edington
9.b.1) Wawasee High School - Gone Boarding Class - Otsego, Michigan
9.b.2) Wawasee High School - Gymnastics Team - Muncie, Indiana
9.b.3) Wawasee High School - Key Club - Indianapolis, Indiana
9.c. Approval of 2020-21 School Year Calendar - Mrs. Goshert
9.d. Approval of 2021-22 School Year Calendar - Mrs. Goshert
9.e. Resolution to Transfer Funds - Mr. Jim Evans
10. Superintendent's Report - Dr. Tom Edington
10.a. Wawasee Community Schools Education Foundation
10.b. Wawasee Middle School Administration
10.c. Administrative Opening Timelines
10.d. Flu Absences
10.e. Legislative Report - March 3, 2020
10.f. Elizabeth Smart Community Event
10.g. Wawasee Middle School Pool Project
10.h. January Parent Conferences
10.i. Student/Staff Computer Upgrade
10.j. Community Opioid Presentations
10.k. County Broadband Program
10.l. 2020 School Tax Rate
11. Other Items - Dr. Edington and Mrs. Linnemeier
12. Adjournment.