June 16, 2011 at 6:00 PM - Regular
Agenda |
1. Meeting Call To Order 6:00 P.M.
1.A. Open Meeting Notice
2. Workshop/Reports/Information
2.A. Workshop Items
2.A.1. Budget revenue projections Fund 199 - M & O for 2011-12
2.A.2. Future agenda review - July 19 (retreat and Board Operations Manual review); July 21 (regular monthly meeting); and August 18 (budget hearing and regular monthly meeting)
2.B. Report Items
2.B.1. Legislative update
2.C. Information Items/Dates
2.C.1. TASB Convention, Austin, September 30 - October 2, 2011
2.C.2. Back-to-School Convocation Luncheon, Tuesday, August 16th, 12 Noon, BHS Bulldog Cafe
2.C.3. Culinary Academy opening events and dates
3. Closed/Executive Session (if necessary) or Recess
3.A. Private consultation with attorney Tx. Govt. Code Sec. 551.071
4. Reconvene regular meeting approximately 6:30 PM
5. Pledge of Allegiance
6. Consent Agenda Items
6.A. Minutes of the Regular Meeting held on May 19, 2011
6.B. Monthly financial and investment reports
6.C. Monthly support services report
6.D. End of Year absence reports YTD
6.E. Legal retainer Schwartz & Eichelbaum Wardell Mehl and Hansen, PC
6.F. Contraband inspection contract renewal with RAID Corps Southwest
7. Communications Not on the Agenda
7.A. Address the Board - Policy BED (LOCAL)
8. Reports/Recognitions
8.A. DER Library & Media Centers
8.B. DER Math & Science End-of Year Performance Summary
8.C. End-of-Year PEIMS Data Link Classroom Performance Summary
9. Financial Reports and Action Items
9.A. ESC 9 service contract renewal
9.B. Revenue projections 2011-12
10. Unfinished Business
10.A. Bid # 578 - Basketball, Tennis, Soccer, and Golf Supplies 2011-12
10.B. Policy DCA (LOCAL): Employment Practices - Probationary Contracts
10.C. Policy DCB (LOCAL): Employment Practices - Term Contracts
10.D. Student performance update - release of additional TAKS data
11. New Business
11.A. TASB LOCAL Policy Update 90 - First Reading
11.B. Policy DIA (LOCAL) Employee Welfare - Definition of District Officials from Lovelady to Underwood
11.C. TASB Director expiring term - nomination or endorsement
11.D. Meal Cost Increase
12. Personnel Reports and Action Items
12.A. Resignation/retirement requests
12.B. Employ Personnel as Recommended
12.C. Superintendent's mid-year formative review - Tuesday, July 19 Special Meeting
13. Open Session, Action on Item 12.A - C
14. Closing Meeting
14.A. Adjourn