May 17, 2021 at 6:00 PM - Virtual Regular Board Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
2. Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance
3. Opportunity for Citizens to Address the Board
3.A. Citizens who desire to address the Board on any matter listed on the agenda may sign up to do so prior to this meeting. Public Comments will be received during this portion of the meeting. Please limit comments to three minutes. No discussion or final action will be taken by the Board.
4. Consideration of Approval of Consent Agenda
4.A. Consideration of Approval of Minutes from the Virtual Special Called Meeting on April 13, 2021, the Virtual Regular Meeting on April 19, 2021, and the Virtual Special Called Meeting on May 10, 2021.
4.B. Consideration of the Appointment of Full-Time Professional Staff
4.C. Consideration of the Appointment of Adjunct Faculty
4.D. Consideration of Approval of the Monthly Investment Report-April 2021
4.E. Consideration of Approval of the 2021-2022 Student Handbook
5. Consideration of Approval of Disbursements for April 2021
6. Student and Faculty Spotlight
Student Spotlight Marie Ahmed - Returning Adult Student Faculty Spotlight Introduction of the 2021 National Institute for Staff and Organizational Development (NISOD) Excellence Award Recipients |
7. President's Report
8. Reports
8.A. Faculty Council Report
8.B. Academic Affairs and Student Services Reports
8.C. Foundation Report
8.D. Board Committees
8.D.1. Building/Facility Planning Committee Report
8.D.2. Finance Committee Report
8.D.3. Policy Committee Report
9. New Business
9.A. Consideration of Approval to Conduct the Annual Review of the College's Investment Policy, as Contained in CAK (LEGAL) and CAK (LOCAL)
9.A.1. Review and Re-Adoption of Temple College's Investment Policy
9.A.2. Investment Policy Resolution
9.B. Consideration of Election of Officers for the Board of Trustees
9.C. Consideration of Approval of an Amendment to the President's Employment Contract
10. Miscellaneous
11. Executive Session to Consider Personnel, Legal Matters, and Real Estate
12. Adjournment
Consideration of Approval of the Monthly Investment Report-April 2021