September 21, 2020 at 6:00 PM - Virtual Regular Board Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
2. Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance
3. Opportunity for Citizens to Address the Board
3.A. Citizens who desire to address the Board on any matter listed on the agenda may sign up to do so prior to this meeting. Public Comments will be received during this portion of the meeting. Please Limit comments to three minutes. No discussion or final action will be taken by the Board.
4. Consideration of Approval of Consent Agenda
4.A. Consideration of Approval of Minutes from the Virtual Regular Meeting on August 24, 2020
4.B. Consideration of Approval of the Appointment of Full-Time Faculty
4.C. Consideration of Approval of the Appointment of Full-Time Professional Staff
4.D. Consideration of Approval of the Appointment of Adjunct Faculty
4.E. Consideration of Approval of Part-Time Professional Staff
4.F. Consideration of Approval of the Part-Time/Overload Salary Schedule for Fall 2020
4.G. Consideration of Approval of the Budget Revision Schedule for Fourth Quarter 2019-2020
4.H. Consideration of Approval of the Public Investment Act Disclosure (PFIA) 4th Quarter 2019-2020
5. Approval of Disbursements August 2020
6. Student/Faculty Spotlight
6.A. Student Spotlight: Jim Reece, AEL Student
6.B. Outstanding Faculty/Staff Presentation-Adult Education and Literacy: Caitlyn Stull, Cameron Gilmore, Nelva Rodriguez
7. President's Report
8. Reports
8.A. Faculty Council
Claudia Turner
8.B. Academic Affairs and Educational Services Reports
Dr. Susan Guzman-Trevino
8.C. Temple College Foundation
Dr. Evelyn Waiwaiole
8.D. Board Committees
Bob Browder
8.D.1. Building/Facility Planning Committee Report
Bob Browder
Building/Facility Planning Committee Report
8.D.2. Finance Committee Report
Bob Browder
8.D.3. Policy Committee Report
Bob Browder
9. New Business
9.A. Consideration of Approval of Policy Manual Review Committee Revisions
10. Miscellaneous
11. Executive Session to Consider Personnel, Legal Matters, and Real Estate
12. Adjournment