February 18, 2019 at 6:00 PM - Regular Board Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Executive Session to Consider Personnel, Legal Matters, and Real Estate
4. Consideration of Approval of Consent Agenda
4.A. Consideration of Approval of Minutes from the Regular Meeting on January 28, 2019
4.B. Consideration of Approval of Appointment of Part-Time Professional Staff
4.C. Consideration of Approval of the Appointment of Adjunct Faculty
4.D. Consideration of Approval of the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement Standards and Education (TCLEOSE) Mandated Racial Profiling Report for 2018
4.E. Consideration of the Approval of the Part-Time/Overload Salary Schedule for Spring 2019
4.F. Consideration of Approval of Policy Manual Revisions
5. Consideration of Approval of Disbursements for January 2019
6. Opportunity for Citizens to Address the Board
7. Old Business
8. Reports
8.A. Faculty Council
Mr. Jeff Fritz
8.B. Educational Services
Dr. Mark Smith
8.B.1. Strategic Plan Update
Dr. Van Miller
8.C. Academic Affairs
Dr. Susan Guzman-Trevino
8.C.1. Texas Music Educators Association Convention-Recognition of Participating Students
Dr. Susan Guzman-Trevino
8.C.2. Student Presentation: Zach Zajicek
8.D. Temple College Foundation Director's Report
Mrs. Jennifer Graham
8.E. Board Committees
8.E.1. Building Committee Report
8.E.2. Finance Committee Report
8.E.3. Strategic Planning Committee
8.F. President's Report
Dr. Christina Ponce
9. New Business
9.A. Consideration of Approval to Name the Student Success Center the "Glenda O. Barron Student Success Center"
Dr. Van Miller
10. Miscellaneous
11. Adjournment