February 22, 2021 at 6:30 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Pledge of Allegiance and Prayer
2. Call to Order and Establish Quorum (Presenter: Aaron Brower)
3. Public comments
4. Communications
5. Consent agenda
5.a. Minutes of January 21, 2021 Regular meeting of the board
5.b. Minutes of February 2, 2021 Special Called meeting of the board
5.c. Monthly Financial Report
5.d. Amend 2020-2021 Budget
6. Consider for approval Resolution Extending the Depository Contract for Maud ISD
7. Information Items:
7.a. Principals Report
7.b. Athletic Directors Report
8. Update and discussion of COVID-19 Impact
9. Consider and possible approval TEA Educator Appraisal Waiver
10. Superintendent's Report
10.a. Benchmark assessments
10.b. Board Training scheduled for April 8, at Region 8
10.c. Update on Various Program Reviews
10.d. Update on District Improvements
11. Consider and Possibly Approve Resolution Regarding Employee Pay During Weather Emergency (Emergency Agenda Item added as an addition to agenda 2-22-2021)
12. Executive Session
12.a. Personnel: (TX Gov Code Sec. 551.074)
12.a.1. Discuss and consider contracts of the following personnel: (TX Gov Code Sec.551.074)
12.a.1.a. Middle-High School Principal
12.a.1.b. Elementary Principal
12.a.2. Resignation/Retirement from Employees (TX Gov Code Sec.551.074)
12.a.3. Discussion of personnel (TX Gov Code Sec. 551.074)
13. Return to Regular Session
14. Consider and take action on personnel contract recommendations
15. Consider and take action accepting resignations/retirements
16. Adjourn