December 19, 2022 at 7:30 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call meeting to order / Roll Call
2. Invocation
3. Open Forum
3.A. Hear citizen communication to the board. (The first five people to sign on the public participation sheet will be welcome to speak for five (5) minutes.)
4. Consent Items
4.A. Approve previous minutes
4.B. Approve Budget Amendments(s)
4.C. Accept donations
5. List of expenditures and review of financial statements
6. Public Hearing on the Financial Integrity Rating System of Texas (FIRST) for Motley County ISD
7. Public Hearing
7.A. Stetson Renewables Reinvestment Zone No. 1
7.B. Application of Stetson Renewables Holdings LLC for an Appraised Value Limitation on Qualified Property
8. Approve resolution creating the Engie Reinvestment Zone No. 1
9. Consider and adopt Finding under the Texas Economic Development Act for the Application of Stetson Renewables Holdings LLC for an Appraised Value Limitation on Qualified Property for School District Maintenance and Operations Taxes
10. Consider and approve job waiver request from Stetson Renewables Holding LLC
11. Consider and approve Agreement with Stetson Renewables Holdings LLC, for an Appraised Value Limitation on Qualified Property for School District Maintenance and Operations Taxes
12. Update on the Roof Repair
13. Report by Bolinger, Segars, Gilbert & Moss L.L.P. on the 2021-2022 annual school audit and action on approval
14. Discussion and possible action to change how the absences for high school students are counted for semester tests in the Student Handbook
15. Athletic Director's Report
Coach Bigham
16. Principal's Report
16.A. Attendance
16.B. Enrollment
17. Executive Session
17.A. Coaching and Secondary Teaching Position
18. Action on Hiring for Coaching and Secondary Teaching Position
19. Superintendent's Report
20. Adjourn