December 7, 2020 at 7:30 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call meeting to order / Roll Call
2. Invocation
3. Open Forum
3.A. Hear citizen communication to the board. (The first five people to sign on the public participation sheet will be welcome to speak for five (5) minutes.)
4. Consent Items
4.A. Approve previous minutes
4.B. Approve Budget Amendments(s)
4.C. Accept donations
5. List of expenditures and review of financial statements
6. Kacey Gast from Bolinger, Segars, Gilbert & Moss, L.L.P. will be here to present the 2019-2020 audit.
7. Public hearing on the Financial Integrity System of Texas (FIRST) report for Motley County ISD.
8. Action to to remove from the table the financial statements from the November board meeting.
9. Discussion and possible action on adopting the District Improvement Plan.
10. Discussion and possible action on making a one-time salary adjustment for the RPSSA employees.
11. Athletic's Director's Report
12. Principal's Report
12.A. Attendance
12.B. Enrollment
13. Superintendent's Report
A. Update on TEA/Federal grant reimbursement for purchased laptops B. Replacement of football field light pole C. Next board meeting will be January 11, 2021. Team of 8 training |
14. Adjourn