August 23, 2022 at 9:00 AM - Board of Managers - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
___ Sylvia Tryon Oliver, Vice-Chairman ___ Belinda Flores, R.N. ___ Vishnu V. Reddy, M.D. ___ John E. Valls, M.B.A. ___ Mariana Garza, J.D. ___ Efrain Guerrero, Jr. |
3.A. Call to order.
3.B. Establish quorum.
3.C. Confirm posting of Meeting's public notice in accordance with Texas Open Meetings Act, Texas Government Code, Chapter 551.
3.D. Public notice is hereby given that the Board of Managers may elect to go into Closed Meeting session(s) at any time during the meeting to discuss any matter(s) listed on the agenda when so authorized by the provisions of the Open Meetings Act, Texas Government Code, Chapter 551.
4. WORKSHOP SESSION - Workshop Session is an open meeting for the purposes of information gathering and discussion between the Board of Managers and staff on the Workshop's listed agenda item(s) without taking action on the listed item(s) during the Workshop. Public comment will not be accepted during the Workshop Session.
4.A. Fiscal Year 2023 Budget (October 1, 2022 - September 30, 2023) and related matters.
5. REGULAR SESSION - Following the Workshop Session, the Board of Managers will move into the Regular Session prior to taking any action(s) on items listed on the Consent or Regular Agendas.
5.A. PUBLIC COMMENT - Persons attending in-person and wishing to comment on any item(s) on the agenda or any subject within the Board's responsibilities must sign-in on the "Agenda Item Request to Speak" form provided at the entrance of the Board meeting room at least five (5) minutes prior to commencement of the meeting. Persons attending via audio or video conference and wishing to comment on any item(s) on the agenda or any subject within the Board's responsibilities must verbally notify the presiding officer of their desire to comment when the officer calls for public comment from those attending via audio and video conference. Commenters shall limit their comments to three (3) minutes, except that Commenters addressing the Board through a translator shall limit their comments to six (6) minutes.
5.B. CONSENT AGENDA - The Consent Agenda consists of those agenda items which are routine, administrative in nature, not in need of separate attention, and which a member of the Board has not requested be discussed separately. If requested to be discussed separately, that agenda item will be removed from the Consent Agenda by the presiding officer to the Regular Agenda and discussed as a part of the Regular Agenda at the appropriate time. All remaining items listed under the Consent Agenda will be voted upon in a single vote:
5.B.1. Approve Board of Managers Regular Meeting minutes of July 26, 2022.
5.B.2. Receive listing of new vendors as of August 18, 2022; listing provided pursuant to Board of Managers Bylaws, §2.1.B and Texas Local Government Code, Chapter 176.
5.B.3. Receive summary payment information on Nueces County health care disbursements for Fiscal Year 2022 year-to-date:
5.B.3.a. Salaries, benefits, supplies, and intergovernmental transfers at/for City of Corpus Christi/Nueces County Public Health District;
5.B.3.b. Emergency medical services provided in unincorporated areas of Nueces County;
5.B.3.c. Supplemental and jail diversion program funding for Nueces Center for Mental Health and Intellectual Disabilities;
5.B.3.d. Medical services provided at County correctional facilities:
5.B.3.d.1. Nueces County Jail; and
5.B.3.d.2. Nueces County Juvenile Detention Center;
5.B.3.e. Funding for alcohol and drug abuse treatment programs:
5.B.3.e.1. Cenikor (Charlie's Place);
5.B.3.e.2. Council on Alcohol and Drug Abuse; and
5.B.3.e.3. Palmer Drug Abuse Program;
5.B.3.f. Funding for diabetes prevention and supporting programs;
5.B.3.g. Public health grants; and
5.B.3.h. Legal and professional fees.
5.B.4. Receive summary imputed claims information on medical and hospital care provided to the Nueces Aid Program population consistent with the CHRISTUS Spohn Health System Corporation Amended and Restated Membership Agreement for fiscal year-to-date period-ended July 31, 2022.
5.B.5. Receive fiscal year-to-date Specified Annual Percentage-related revenue reports; revenue receipts pursuant to CHRISTUS Spohn Health System Corporation Amended and Restated Membership Agreement, Section 5.03.
5.B.6. Receive monthly statement of escrow amounts deposited and/or withdrawn by CHRISTUS Spohn Health System Corporation; deposits pursuant to and consistent with Schedule 1 to CHRISTUS Spohn Health System Corporation Amended and Restated Membership Agreement; receive statement for month-ended July 31, 2022.
5.B.7. Receive statement of amounts deposited to and/or withdrawn from Local Provider Participation Fund for fiscal year-to-date; deposits and withdrawals pursuant to Board of Managers Order authorizing participation in a health care provider participation program pursuant to Texas Health and Safety Code, Chapter 298C, as amended.
5.B.8. Receive summary report of cumulative estimated provider payments and actual intergovernmental transfers made in support of local and other healthcare providers participating in Medicaid supplemental and directed payment programs sponsored by the Texas Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC):
5.B.8.a. Directed Payment Programs - Medicaid managed care organization payments to healthcare providers that support overall Medicaid program goals and objectives:
5.B.8.a.1. Comprehensive Hospital Increase Reimbursement Program (CHIRP);
5.B.8.a.2. Network Access Improvement Program (NAIP);
5.B.8.a.3. Texas Incentives for Physicians and Professional Services (TIPPS);
5.B.8.a.4. Uniform Hospital Rate Increase Program (UHRIP); and
5.B.8.b. Supplemental Payment Programs - HHSC-directed payments made to hospitals for achieving certain goals or to support health care providers that see significant numbers of uninsured or persons without much money:
5.B.8.b.1. Disproportionate Share Hospitals (DSH) program;
5.B.8.b.2. Graduate Medical Education (GME);
5.B.8.b.3. Hospital Uncompensated Care (UC) pool; and
5.B.8.c. Phase-Out Programs:
5.B.8.c.1. Delivery System Reform Incentive Payment (DSRIP) pool.
5.C. REGULAR AGENDA - The Regular Agenda consists of those agenda items which are non-routine, not administrative in nature, or are otherwise in need of separate attention. Each Regular Agenda item will be voted upon separately if action is required:
5.C.1. Board of Managers Business:
5.C.1.a. Discuss and consider authorizing preparation of a plaque or other similar memorial recognition of Mr. Daniel W. Dain, former Chairman of the Board of Managers, and such recognition to be posted in the Board of Managers Meeting Room or lobby of the Hospital District's Administrative Offices. (ACTION)
5.C.1.b. Discuss and consider canceling or rescheduling Board of Managers' September 27, 2022 meeting. (ACTION)
5.C.2. Financial Statements:
5.C.2.a. Receive and approve unaudited financial statements for the month and fiscal year-to-date period ended July 31, 2022. (ACTION)
5.C.3. Nueces Aid Program Enrollment:
5.C.3.a. Receive reports relating to Nueces Aid Program enrollment for the month-ended July 31, 2022:
5.C.3.a.1. Total Persons and Households Enrolled;
5.C.3.a.2. Enrollment Summary;
5.C.3.a.3. Denials;
5.C.3.a.4. Application Processing Summary; and
5.C.3.a.5. Enrollment by Zip Code. (INFORMATION)
5.C.3.b. Discuss Nueces Aid Program enrollment and related matters. (INFORMATION)
5.C.4. Supplemental Payment Programs:
5.C.4.a. Discuss and approve continuation in the Medicaid Network Access Improvement Program sponsored by the Texas Health and Human Services Commission for the term September 1, 2022 - August 31, 2023 (HHSC Contract No. HHS001201800008); and authorize Administrator to execute contract. (ACTION)
5.C.4.b. Discuss Delivery System Reform Incentive Payment (DSRIP) program-related intergovernmental transfer for the Corpus Christi-Nueces County Public Health District's October 2022 (final) DSRIP project submission. (INFORMATION)
5.C.5. Administrator's Actions:
5.C.5.a. Ratify Administrator's action(s) performed as part of his duties directing the affairs of the District and/or as required by the Board of Managers; duties established pursuant to Texas Health and Safety Code, §281.026(e):
5.C.5.a.1. Personal Services Contract with Linda K. Wertz for consulting services and technical assistance relating to the Texas Health and Human Services Commission's planned September 30, 2022 discontinuation of the Delivery System Reform Incentive Payment Program (DSRIP) component of the Texas Medicaid 1115 Waiver; Contract term October 1, 2022 - September 30, 2023. (ACTION)
5.C.5.a.2. Engineering Services Agreement for Owner's Representative Services for Lessee's Hospital Demolition Project; Agreement with Hanson Professional Services provides for representation of the Hospital District's interests in the demolition project, including asbestos abatement, of Memorial Medical Center, a District-owned hospital building, and installation of green space on the demolition site; demolition project by CHRISTUS Spohn Health System Corporation; Agreement term August 1, 2022 - July 31, 2023. (ACTION)
5.C.5.a.3. Letter of Intent to participate in the planned Hospital Augmented Reimbursement Program (HARP), a statewide Medicaid supplemental payment program sponsored by the Texas Health and Services Commission (HHSC); HARP to serve as financial transition for historical providers in the Delivery System Reform Incentive Payment (DSRIP) program that will be discontinued by HHSC on September 30, 2022. (ACTION)
5.C.6. Memorial Medical Center Demolition:
5.C.6.a. Receive report from Owner's Representative on matters relating to the Memorial Medical Center demolition project by CHRISTUS Spohn Health System Corporation. (INFORMATION)
5.C.7. Nueces County:
5.C.7.a. Discuss and consider approval of Interlocal Cooperation Agreement between Nueces County Hospital District and Nueces County relating to Hospital District's reimbursement of County's Public Health District and other public health-related expenses during Fiscal Year 2023; and authorize Administrator to execute Agreement. (ACTION)
5.C.8. COVID-19/Public Health:
5.C.8.a. Discuss and consider approval of Grant Agreement with Amistad Community Health Center providing support for COVID-19 diagnostic testing and other health services for residents of the Hospital District during the period October 1, 2022 - September 30, 2023; and authorize Administrator to execute Agreement. (ACTION)
5.C.8.b. Discuss and consider approval of Grant Agreement with Coastal Bend Wellness Foundation providing support for COVID-19 diagnostic testing and other health services for residents of the Hospital District during the period October 1, 2022 - September 30, 2023; and authorize Administrator to execute Agreement. (ACTION)
5.C.9. Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Cost Recovery:
5.C.9.a. Receive update on Hagerty Consulting Project #1 (FEMA Public Assistance Project Application #674808) relating to recovery of Social Determinants of Health Study-related costs incurred in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. (INFORMATION)
5.C.9.b. Receive update on Hagerty Consulting Project #2 (FEMA Public Assistance Project Application #679441) relating to recovery of costs associated with assessment of potential Alternate Care Site, COVID testing, and other costs incurred in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. (INFORMATION)
5.C.10. Administrator's Briefing:
5.C.10.a. Next Board of Managers regular meeting (meeting's date, time, and location are subject to change):
5.C.10.a.1. Board of Managers: September 27, 2022, 10:00 AM in NCHD Board of Managers Meeting Room at 555 North Carancahua Street, Room 950-A, Corpus Christi, Texas 78401. Note: This meeting may be canceled or rescheduled. (INFORMATION)
5.D. CLOSED MEETING - Public notice is hereby given that the Board of Managers may elect to go into closed meeting session(s) at any time during the meeting to discuss any matter(s) listed on the agenda, when so authorized by the provisions of the Open Meetings Act, Texas Government Code, Chapter 551 and the Board specifically expects to go into a closed session(s) on the matters listed below pursuant to the Act, §551.071 and §551.074. In the event the Board elects to go into closed session(s) regarding an agenda item(s), the section(s) of the Open Meetings Act authorizing the closed session will be publicly announced by the presiding officer. Should any final action, final decision, or final vote be required in the opinion of the Board with regard to any matter considered in closed session(s), then the final action, final decision, or final vote shall be either: (a) in the open meeting covered by the Notice upon reconvening of the public meeting; or (b) at a subsequent public meeting of the Board upon notice thereof, as the Board shall determine pursuant to applicable laws:
5.D.1. Consult with attorneys on matters relating to DSRIP program-related intergovernmental transfer for the Corpus Christi-Nueces County Public Health District.
5.D.2. Consult with attorneys on matters relating to Administrator's Employment Agreement for the period October 1, 2022 - September 30, 2026.
6. OPEN MEETING - Following the Closed Meeting, the Board of Managers will reconvene the Open Meeting prior to taking any action(s) on matters considered in the Closed Meeting or adjourning the meeting.
7. Consider final action, decision, or vote on matters considered in the Closed Meeting:
7.A. Approve Administrator's Employment Agreement for the period October 1, 2022 - September 30, 2026 and authorize Board Vice-Chairman to execute Agreement. (ACTION)
7.B. Other action(s) as needed.
8. ADJOURN (in memory of Daniel W. Dain)