February 18, 2020 at 12:00 PM - Board of Managers - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
3. PUBLIC COMMENT - Persons wishing to comment on any item(s) on the agenda or any subject within the Board's responsibilities must sign-in on the "Agenda Item Request to Speak" form provided at the entrance of the Board meeting room at least five (5) minutes prior to commencement of the meeting. Commenters shall limit their comments to three (3) minutes, except that Commenters addressing the Board through a translator shall limit their comments to six (6) minutes. See the "Public Comment" section of the preceding General Information page for additional information.
4. CONSENT AGENDA - See the "Consent Agenda" section of the preceding General Information page for an explanation of the Consent Agenda and for additional information.
4.A. Confirm posting of meeting's public notice.
4.B. Approve minutes of January 21, 2020 Regular Meeting.
4.C. Receive listing of new vendors as of February 12, 2020; listing provided pursuant to Board of Managers Bylaws, Article 2, §2.1 B and Texas Local Government Code, Chapter 176.
4.D. Receive hospital providers' quarterly reports relating to certain Indigent Care Affiliation Agreements associated with participation in the Texas Healthcare Transformation and Quality Improvement Program Medicaid 1115 Waiver for the calendar quarter ended December 31, 2019:
4.D.1. CHRISTUS Spohn Health System Corporation Hospitals: Alice, Beeville, and Kleberg (Consolidated Report);
4.D.2. Corpus Christi Medical Center;
4.D.3. DeTar Healthcare System; and
4.D.4. Driscoll Children's Hospital.
4.E. Receive revenue reports relating to CHRISTUS Spohn Health System Corporation Membership Agreement for fiscal year-to-date. (Finance Committee)
4.F. Receive summary payment information on Nueces County health care disbursements for Fiscal Year 2020 year-to-date:
4.F.1. Salaries, benefits, supplies, and intergovernmental transfers at/for Corpus Christi/Nueces County Public Health Department;
4.F.2. Emergency medical services provided in unincorporated areas of Nueces County;
4.F.3. Supplemental and jail diversion program funding for Nueces Center for Mental Health and Intellectual Disabilities;
4.F.4. Medical services provided at County correctional facilities:
4.F.4.a. Nueces County Jail; and
4.F.4.b. Nueces County Juvenile Detention Center;
4.F.5. Funding for alcohol and drug abuse treatment programs:
4.F.5.a. Cenikor (Charlie's Place);
4.F.5.b. Council on Alcohol and Drug Abuse; and
4.F.5.c. Palmer Drug Abuse Program;
4.F.6. Funding for diabetes prevention and supporting programs. (Finance Committee)
4.G. Receive reports relating to Nueces Aid Program enrollment for the months ended December 31, 2019 and January 31, 2020. (Finance Committee)
4.H. Receive summary imputed claims information on medical and hospital care provided to the Nueces Aid population consistent with the CHRISTUS Spohn Health System Corporation Membership Agreement for fiscal year-to-date ended December 31, 2019 and January 31, 2020. (Finance Committee)
5.A. Community Mental Health Initiatives:
5.A.1. Receive presentation on Cloud 9 Telehealth Platform for Mental Healthcare. (INFORMATION)
5.A.2. Receive report from Nueces Center for Mental Health and Intellectual Disabilities (NCMHID) on activities performed under Interlocal Agreement between Nueces County, NCMHID, and Hospital District relating to diversion of persons from jails or other detention facilities, provision of crisis intervention teams, expansion of mobile crisis outreach, and development of jail-based competency restoration. (INFORMATION)
5.A.3. Receive report(s) on work performed under Professional Services Agreement between Nueces County, Meadows Mental Health Policy Institute, and Hospital District relating to preparation of a comprehensive needs assessment for Nueces County that can serve as the basis for a systematic approach to providing services for mental illnesses and substance abuse disorders in the County. (INFORMATION)
5.A.4. Receive report(s) on work performed under the prior Professional Services Agreement between Nueces County, BeHealthle, LLC, and Hospital District relating to the Nueces County Community Collaborative Program/Jail Diversion Program. (INFORMATION)
5.A.5. Authorize the Administrator to prepare and execute a Professional Services Agreement between Nueces County, Nueces County Hospital District, and BeHealthle Consulting, LLC to provide consultation and other services relating to the Nueces County Community Collaborative Program/Jail Diversion Program; Agreement sum not to exceed $24,000.00 and term not to exceed 90 days. (ACTION)
5.B. Indigent Health Care:
5.B.1. Receive and discuss information from CHRISTUS Spohn Health System Corporation relating to:
5.B.1.a. Medical aid and hospital care provided to the Nueces Aid Program population consistent with the CHRISTUS Spohn Health System Corporation Membership Agreement and related matters; and
5.B.1.b. Programs, projects, and/or activities at CHRISTUS Spohn Hospital Corpus Christi-Memorial and other Hospital District-owned facilities and related matters. (INFORMATION)
5.B.2. Receive and discuss update from CHRISTUS Spohn Health System Corporation relating to operation, construction, transition, planning, and/or demolition activities pursuant to Sections 3.5 and 3.9 of Amended and Restated Schedule 1 to Spohn Membership Agreement, as schedule to CHRISTUS Spohn Health System Corporation Amended and Restated Membership Agreement:
5.B.2.a. Operations of Dr. Hector P. Garcia - Memorial Family Health Center located on Hospital District-owned property at 2606 Hospital Boulevard, Corpus Christi, Texas;
5.B.2.b. Construction and/or demolition activities at CHRISTUS Spohn Hospital Corpus Christi-Shoreline located at 600 Elizabeth Street, Corpus Christi, Texas;
5.B.2.c. Transition of mental health services from Hospital District-owned hospital presently known as CHRISTUS Spohn Hospital Corpus Christi-Memorial (formerly known as Memorial Medical Center) located at 2606 Hospital Boulevard to CHRISTUS Spohn Hospital Corpus Christi-Shoreline located at 600 Elizabeth Street, both facility locations in Corpus Christi, Texas; and
5.B.2.d. Planning orderly transition of mental health services from Hospital District-owned hospital presently known as CHRISTUS Spohn Hospital Corpus Christi-Memorial (formerly known as Memorial Medical Center) located at 2606 Hospital Boulevard to CHRISTUS Spohn Hospital Corpus Christi-Shoreline located at 600 Elizabeth Street, both facility locations in Corpus Christi, Texas. (INFORMATION)
5.B.3. Receive information relating to updates to U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) Poverty Guidelines:
5.B.3.a. Annual update of the DHHS Poverty Guidelines from Federal Register, Vol. 85, No. 12, January 17, 2020, pp. 3060-3061; and
5.B.3.b. Prior DHHS Poverty Guidelines and Federal Register references 1982-2020.
5.B.4. Ratify Administrator's action(s) performed as part of his duties directing the affairs of the Hospital District and/or as required by the Board of Managers; duties established pursuant to Texas Health and Safety Code, §281.026(e):
5.B.4.a. Annual increase adjustments of Nueces Aid Program’s Eligibility Guidelines; adjustments pursuant to Amended and Restated CHRISTUS Spohn Health System Corporation Membership Agreement, Schedule 2, Section 2.18; adjustments effective March 1, 2020 for:
5.B.4.a.1. Household Resources as required by Program’s Handbook Policy No. NA002, Attachment 2, Sections I-B, I-C-1, I-C-23, and I-F; and
5.B.4.a.2. Household Income as required by Program’s Handbook Policy No. NA002, Attachment 4, Section I-F-3.
5.C. Finance Committee:
5.C.1. Receive and approve Annual Financial Report from Collier, Johnson, & Woods, P.C., Certified Public Accountants on Nueces County Hospital District's governmental activities financial statements, major funds, and aggregate remaining funds for fiscal year ended September 30, 2019. (ACTION)
5.C.2. Receive and approve unaudited financial statements for fiscal year-to-date periods ended December 31, 2019 and January 31, 2020. (ACTION)
5.C.3. Receive and approve Quarterly Investment Report for fiscal quarter ended December 31, 2019 and ratify related investment transactions. (ACTION)
5.C.4. Receive summary report to-date of intergovernmental transfers made in support of local and other healthcare providers participating in Medicaid supplemental payment programs sponsored by the Texas Health and Human Commission year-to-date:
5.C.4.a. Texas Healthcare Transformation and Quality Improvement Program (Medicaid 1115 Waiver):
5.C.4.a.1. Delivery System Reform Incentive Payment (DSRIP) pool; and
5.C.4.a.2. Hospital Uncompensated Care (UC) pool.
5.C.4.b. Disproportionate Share Hospitals (DSH) program;
5.C.4.c. Network Access Improvement Program (NAIP);
5.C.4.d. Uniform Hospital Rate Increase Program (UHRIP); and
5.C.4.e. Graduate Medical Education (GME). (INFORMATION)
5.C.5. Receive monthly statement of escrow amounts deposited and/or withdrawn by CHRISTUS Spohn Health System Corporation; deposits pursuant to and consistent with Section 3.9.7 of Amended and Restated Schedule 1 to Spohn Membership Agreement, a schedule to CHRISTUS Spohn Health System Corporation Amended and Restated Membership Agreement; receive statements for months ended December 31, 2019 and January 31, 2020. (INFORMATION)
5.C.6. Receive information relating to final federal rule "Inadmissibility on Public Charge Grounds" under section 212(a)(4) of the Immigration and Nationality Act as published in Federal Register, Vol. 83, No. 196, pp. 51114-51296; rule to be implemented February 24, 2020. (INFORMATION)
6.A. The Board of Managers will participate in a tour of of the CHRISTUS Spohn Family Health Center-Westside located at 4617 Greenwood Drive situated at the Northwest corner of the intersection of Greenwood Drive and West Point Road, Corpus Christi, Texas. During the tour, Board members may make comments and ask questions regarding the toured facility and services provided therein, but will not take any action on any matters relating to the facility or services. (INFORMATION)
7.A. Future Board of Managers and Board Committee Meetings:
7.A.1. Next Scheduled Regular Board Meeting: March 17, 2020, 12 Noon (date, time, and location subject to change); and
7.A.2. Next Scheduled Regular Finance Committee Meeting: March 17, 2020, 11:00 AM (date, time, and location subject to change).