September 7, 2018 at 11:30 AM - Board Finance Committee - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
3. PUBLIC COMMENT - Persons wishing to comment must sign-in on the "Agenda Item Request to Speak" form provided at the entrance of the Finance Committee meeting room at least five (5) minutes prior to commencement of the Committee meeting. See the "Public Comment" section of the preceding General Information page for additional Public Comment-related information; commenters shall limit their comments to three (3) minutes.
4.A. Approve minutes of Finance Committee meetings:
4.A.1. Regular Meeting of June 20, 2017; and
4.A.2. Special Meeting of September 8, 2017.
4.B. Recommend receipt of fiscal year-to-date revenue reports relating to CHRISTUS Spohn Health System Corporation Amended and Restated Membership Agreement.
4.C. Recommend receipt of monthly statements of escrow amounts deposited and/or withdrawn by CHRISTUS Spohn Health System Corporation; deposits and withdrawals pursuant to and consistent with Section 3.9.7 of Amended and Restated Schedule 1 to CHRISTUS Spohn Health System Corporation Amended and Restated Membership Agreement, as amended; receive statements for the months ended May 31, June 30, and July 31, 2018.
4.D. Recommend receipt of summary information on medical and hospital care provided to the Nueces Aid population consistent with the CHRISTUS Spohn Health System Corporation amended and Restated Membership Agreement for calendar year-to-date ended June 30, 2018..
4.E. Recommend receipt of summary report of intergovernmental transfers made in support of local and other healthcare providers participating in Medicaid supplemental payment programs sponsored by the Texas Health and Human Commission for fiscal year-to-date:
4.E.1. Texas Healthcare Transformation and Quality Improvement Program (Medicaid 1115 Waiver):
4.E.1.a. Hospital Uncompensated Care (UC) pool; and
4.E.1.b. Delivery System Reform Incentive Payment (DSRIP) pool;
4.E.2. Disproportionate Share Hospitals (DSH) program;
4.E.3. Network Access Improvement Program (NAIP); and
4.E.4. Uniform Hospital Rate Increase Program (UHRIP).
4.F. Recommend receipt of summary payment information for current fiscal year-to-date:
4.F.1. Medical services at Nueces County juvenile detention facility;
4.F.2. Emergency medical services in unincorporated areas of Nueces County;
4.F.3. Supplemental funding for Behavioral Health Center of Nueces County; and
4.F.4. Salaries, benefits, and supplies at Corpus Christi/Nueces County Public Health Department.
4.G. Recommend adoption of Board of Managers Resolution amending authorized signatories on Hospital District accounts at Frost National Bank.
4.H. Recommend adoption of Board of Managers Resolution amending investment officers pursuant to Public Finds Investment Act, Texas Government Code, §2256.005(f).
4.I. Recommend adoption of Resolutions amending authorized representatives on Hospital District accounts at investment pools; investment pools as follows:
4.I.1. Texas Local Government Investment Pool ("TexPool");
4.I.2. Texas Short Term Asset Reserve Fund ("TexSTAR"); and
4.I.3. Local Government Investment Cooperative ("LOGIC").
4.J. Recommend approval of Fiscal Year 2018 Operating Budget Amendment No. 1 to incorporate an amount for new Nueces County mental health community collaborative-related programs, Amendment effective July 1, 2018; and Amendment pursuant to Texas Health and Safety Code, §281.091(b).
4.K. Recommend approval of Interlocal Agreement between Nueces County, Nueces County Hospital District, and Nueces Center for Mental Health and Intellectual Disabilities (formerly the Behavioral Health Center of Nueces County) (NCMHID) to provide funding to the NCMHID for the period October 1, 2018 - September 30, 2019 for certain mental health-related programs to be provided by or through NCMHID relating to the diversion of persons from jails or other detention facilities, provision of crisis intervention teams, expansion of mobile crisis outreach, and development of jail-based competency restoration, including services associated substance abuse issues.
5.A. Recommend receipt of unaudited financial statements for the months and fiscal year-to-date periods ended April 30, May 31, and June 30, 2018. (ACTION)
5.B. Recommend receipt and approval of investment reports and ratify related investment transactions:
5.B.1. Quarterly Investment Report for fiscal quarter ended June 30, 2018. (ACTION)
5.C. Recommend ratification of August 13, 2018 letter relating to the CHRISTUS Spohn Health System Corporation Membership Agreement-related annual Member Revenue Allocation Percentage for the Hospital District's Fiscal Year 2019 (October 1, 2018 - September 30, 2019); Allocation Percentage established pursuant to Membership Agreement, Section 7.03(a). (ACTION)
5.D. Recommend adoption of Board of Managers Resolutions relating to approval of Hospital District's Fiscal Year 2019 Annual Budget (October 1, 2018 - September 30, 2019):
5.D.1. Resolutions incorporating funding in the FY 2019 Annual Budget for:
5.D.1.a. Nueces Center for Mental Health and Intellectual Disabilities (formerly the Behavioral Health Center of Nueces County); and
5.D.1.b. Nueces County-related healthcare expenditures.
5.D.2. Resolution approving FY 2019 Annual Budget, approval pursuant to Texas Health and Safety Code, §281.091(b); FY 2019 Annual Budget comprised of:
5.D.2.a. Consolidated Budget, inclusive of General, Tobacco, and Indigent Care Funds; and
5.D.2.b. Capital Budget. (ACTION)
5.E. Recommend adoption of Board of Managers Resolution committing an amount of the September 30, 2018 fiscal year-end General Fund balance to the subsequent fiscal year for unpaid intergovernmental transfers relating to Demonstration Year No. 7 of the Texas Healthcare Transformation and Quality Improvement Program Section 1115 Waiver. (ACTION)
5.F. Recommend engagement of Collier, Johnson, & Woods, P.C. Certified Public Accountants to perform an audit of the Hospital District's financial statements of the governmental activities, each major fund, and the aggregate remaining funds for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2018. (ACTION)