November 13, 2017 at 7:00 PM - November 13, 2017 Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. The regular meeting of the Maywood Board of Education was called to order by President Russ Gerlach at 8:02 p.m. It was noted that the Opens Meeting Act is posted in the Media Center and that notice of meeting was published in the Frontier County News and posted at the Maywood Post Office, the Community First Bank, the Village Market and the Maywood Public School.
2. Board Member Attendance
3. Consent Agenda
3.1. Approve Agenda
3.2. Minutes of the Previous Meeting
3.3. Payment of Claims and Payroll
4. Reports
4.1. Board Reports
The scheduled negotiations meeting has been postponed.
State School Board Convention in LaVista is this week - Russ and Sheri are attending
The Coop Committee met with Hayes Center members. The coop is going well at both schools.
4.2. Mr. Brown reported on the following:
Parent Teacher Conference participation
FFA Activities
Progress with insurance for hail damage incurred October 1, 2017
Sports and Activities update
Request for Cheerleading/Dance Team
4.3. Mrs. Huff was absent so there was no Superintendent Report this month.
5. Discussion Items
5.1. The Board heard a report from Randy Robinson on the topic of Land Owners for a Common Purpose.
5.2. The board will discussed participation in 6-Man vs 8-Man football for the next two-year cycle.
6. The Board reviewed the results of the 2016-2017 Audit as prepared by Neidhart CPA, P.C.
7. Action Items
7.1. The Board will take all necessary action in approving a Lease of Motor Vehicles Agreement between the school district and the Post Prom Committee
7.2. No action was taken concerning Negotiations.
7.3. The Board will discuss and take any necessary action to approve a reimbursement of expenses protocol.
7.4. Robin Stevens of NRCSA discussed the Superintendent Search timeline and progress with the Board.
8. Adjourn