May 20, 2024 at 6:30 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
2. Pledge of Allegiance/Invocation
3. Roll Call of Board Members
4. Introduction of Guests/Media
5. Open Forum
6. Oath of Office Administered
Elizabeth Ralston
At this time Elizabeth Ralston, notary public, will administer the oath of office to Bobby Clawson and Elizabeth Edwards and the board will be seated.
7. Board Procedures
7.A. Elect Board Officers
7.B. Establish day of week and time to conduct Regular Monthly Board meetings
7.C. Appointment of Board Clerk
7.D. Authorize Board President and Vice President as signers on the bank account
8. Action Item
8.A. Minutes of Previous Meeting(s)
8.B. PK Tuition Fee
8.C. Student Transfer Fee
8.D. Summer School Tuition Fee
8.E. Consider Renewing Student Insurance
8.F. Interlocal agreement for assessment and collection of taxes with Harrison Central Appraisal District
Cayla Mars
9. Superintendent Report
9.A. Financial Report
9.A.1. FIN 3350 Cash Position By Bank Account
9.A.2. FIN 3050 Comparison of Revenue to Budget
9.A.3. FIN 1750 Check Payments
9.B. Report from Campus Principals
9.C. Safety and Security Audit
9.D. Enrollment/ADA Report
9.E. Notice of Resignation(s)
9.F. Notice of Retirement(s)
10. Closed Session
10.A. Deliberate to Consider Legal Advice Concerning Pending or Contemplated Litigation (Texas Government Code 551.071)
10.B. Deliberate to Consider Superintendent's Recommendation(s) to Offer Employment Contracts (Texas Government Code Section 551.074)
10.C. Deliberate to Consider Adding/Retaining a Position to Non-Chapter 21/Non-Certified Contracted Positions to DCE(LOCAL)
11. Open Session
11.A. Consideration and Possible Action Superintendent's Recommendation Regarding Employment Contracts
11.B. Consideration and Possible Action to Offer a Non-Certified Contract of Employment for the 24-25 school year for a Non-Core Academic CTE Course Teacher
11.C. Deliberate to Consider Taking Action to Approve a School District Teaching Permit for a Noncore Academic CTE Course Teacher
12. Adjourn