September 9, 2010 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to order and roll call
2. Pledge of Allegiance to the United States flag, Pledge of Allegiance to the Texas flag, one minute of silence
3. Oath of Office for Newly Appointed Trustee
4. Reorganization of the Board of Trustees
5. Approval of minutes
5.A. Regular Meeting - August 12, 2010
5.B. Special Meeting - August 16, 2010
5.C. Special Meeting - August 16, 2010
5.D. Special Meeting - August 31, 2010
6. Audience
7. Correspondence
8. Old Business
9. New Business
9.A. Update of facilities, including bond projects
9.B. Second reading and possible approval on Local Policy DIA: Employee Welfare - Freedom from Discrimination, Harassment, and Retaliation
9.C. First reading of TASB Update 88, affecting changes to the following Local Policies
9.C.1. CQ(LOCAL): Electronic Communication and Data Management
9.C.2. DH(LOCAL): Employee Standards of Conduct
9.C.3. EIE(LOCAL): Academica Achievement - Retention and Promotion
9.D. Consider and possible action on donation to the PHS Volleyball Team from Consuelo Kickbusch
9.E. Consider and possible action on contract for Purchase of Attendance Credits from TEA
9.F. Consider and possible action on 2010-2011 Teacher Salary Schedule
9.G. Consider and possible action on tax roll errors and corrections for 2009 and prior years
9.H. Consider and possible action on requests received by the tax office to purchase the following foreclosed properties:
9.H.1. Property #1: Nine miles South on Highway 17, Abstract 54, Block 13 Section, H&GN, Reeves County, Texas, .500 Acres, Geo 1000-4415, Residence
9.H.2. Property #2: Nine miles South on Highway 17, Abstract 54, Block 13 Section, H&GN, Reeves County, Texas, .500 Acres, Geo 1000-4415-5, Ramones Grocery Store
9.I. Consider and possible action on 2010-2011 budget amendments
9.J. Closed Session: Tex. Gov't Code Section 551.101 et.seq.
9.J.1. Texas Gov't Code Section 551.071 and Section 551.129 - Consultation with Board's attorney regarding Level III Grievance and Personnel Issues
9.J.2. Section 551.074: To deliberate the appointment, employment, evaluation, assignment, duties, discipline or dismissal of a public officer or employee and to hear a complaint or charge against an officer or employee
9.J.2.a. DGBA - Level III Employee Grievance - Lydia Prieto
9.K. Open session, take action, if any, on items discussed in closed session
9.K.1. Consider and possible action on professional personnel - appointment, employment, evaluation, assignment, duties, discipline or dismissal of a public officer or employee
9.K.1.a. Level III Employee Grievance - Lydia Prieto
9.L. Reports
9.L.1. Student Enrollment Report
9.L.2. Staff Attendance Report
9.L.3. Cafeteria Report
9.L.4. Tax Report
9.L.5. Depository securities report
9.L.6. Current bills and financial report
9.L.7. Investment transaction report
9.L.8. Reconciled bank balance report
9.L.9. Reeves County Community Recreation Department report
10. Miscellaneous
10.A. Set date and time for next meeting
10.B. Calendar of Events
10.C. Request for items for next agenda
11. Adjournment