January 22, 2007 at 6:00 PM - Regular
Agenda |
1. Call to order and roll call
2. Pledge of Allegiance to the United States flag, Pledge of Allegiance to the Texas flag, one minute of silence
3. Approval of minutes
3.A. Special Meeting - December 11, 2006
3.B. Regular Meeting - December 14, 2006
3.C. Emergency Meeting - December 22, 2006
4. Audience
5. Correspondence
5.A. Letter from TASB proclaiming January as School Board Recognition Month
5.B. Donation from Walmart to Bessie Haynes
5.C. Donation from Reeves County Teachers Credit Union to the Baseball program
6. Old Business
6.A. Report on Crockett Gym wall
7. New Business
7.A. Facilities Assessment Report
7.A.1. Set date for Board Workshop
7.B. Consider and possible action on 2005-2006 audit
7.C. Update on Summary of Finance for 2006-2007
7.D. Consider and possible action on 2006-2007 budget amendments
7.E. Presentation by First Southwest Companies
7.F. Update on RFPs to install fiber between campuses
7.G. Consider and possible action on requests received by the tax office to purchase the following foreclosed property
7.G.1. Property #1 - 501 S Palm
7.H. Consider and possible action on Campus Improvement Plans and the District Improvement Plan
7.I. Consider and possible action on competitive sealed proposals for vehicles
7.J. Consider and possible action on declaring Barstow school property no longer necessary for the operation of the school district and advertise for bids
7.K. First reading on Policy Update 79
7.K.1. BBB (Legal) - Board Members: Elections
7.K.2. BBC (Legal) - Board Members: Vacancies and Removal from Office
7.K.3. BBD (Legal) - Board Members: Training and Orientation
7.K.4. BDAA (Local) - Officers and Officials: Duties and Requirements of Board Officers
7.K.5. BDAF (Legal) - Officers and Officials: Selection and Duties of Chief Tax Officials
7.K.6. BDB (Local) - Board Internal Organization: Internal Committees
7.K.7. BF (Legal) - Board Policies
7.K.8. BJA (Legal) - Superintendent: Qualifications and Duties
7.K.9. BJA (Local) - Superintendent: Qualifications and Duties
7.K.10. BJCD (Local): Superintendent: Evaluation
7.K.11. BR (Legal) - Reports
7.K.12. CH (Legal) - Purchasing and Acquisition
7.K.13. CH (Local) - Purchasing and Acquisition
7.K.14. CPAB (Legal) - Office Communications: Mail and Delivery
7.K.15. DEA (Legal) - Compensationand Benefits: Salaries, Wages, and Stipends
7.K.16. DEE (Legal) - Compensation and Benefits: Expense Reimbursement
7.K.17. DF (Legal) - Termination of Contract
7.K.18. DFBB (Local) - Term Contracts: Nonrenewal
7.K.19. DG (Legal) - Employee Rights and Privileges
7.K.20. DH (Legal) - Employee Standards of Conduct
7.K.21. E (Legal) - Instruction
7.K.22. EB (Legal) - School Year
7.K.23. EHAA (Legal) - Basic Instructional Program: Required Instruction (All Levels)
7.K.24. EHAB (Legal) - Basic Instructional Program: Required Instruction (Elementary)
7.K.25. EHAC (Legal) - Basic Instructional Program: Required Instruction (Secondary)
7.K.26. EHAC (Local) - Basic Instructional Program: Required Instruction (Secondary)
7.K.27. EHB (Legal) - Curriculum Design: Special Programs
7.K.28. EHBL (Legal) - Special Programs: High School Equivalency
7.K.29. EHBL (Local) - Special Programs: High School Equivalency
7.K.30. EIF (Legal) - Academic Achievement: Graduation
7.K.31. EIF (Exhibit) - Academic Achievement: Graduation
7.K.32. EK (Legal) - Testing Programs
7.K.33. EK (Local) - Testing Programs
7.K.34. FFAD (Legal) - Wellness and Health Services: Communicable Diseases
7.K.35. FFC (Legal) - Student Welfare: Student Support Services
7.K.36. FP (Legal) - Student Fees, Fines, and Charges
7.K.37. GNB (Legal) - Relations with Educational Entities: Regional Education Sevice Centers
7.K.38. GND (Legal) - Relations with Educational Entities: State Education Agency
7.L. Closed session as authorized by the Texas Open Meetings Act, 551.101 et.seq.
7.L.1. Section 551.074 To deliberate the appointment, employment, evaluation, assignment, duties, discipline or dismissal of a public officer or employee, including possible employment of a Personnel Director
7.M. Open session, take action, if any on items discussed in closed session
7.M.1. Consider and possible action on professional personnel - appointment, employment, evaluation, assignment, duties, discipline or dismissal of a public officer or employee, including possible employment of a Personnel Director
7.N. Reports
7.N.1. Tax Report
7.N.2. Cafeteria report and commodities received
7.N.3. Depository securities report
7.N.5. Investment transaction report
7.N.6. Reconciled bank balance report
7.N.7. Enrollment Report
7.N.8. Reeves County Community Recreation Department report
8. Miscellaneous
8.A. Date and time for next meeting
8.A.1. Regular Meeting - February 8, 2007
8.B. TASB Legal Seminars - February 7 (Fabens)
8.C. Calendar of Events
8.D. Request for items for next agenda
9. Adjournment