November 11, 2004 at 6:00 PM - Regular
Agenda |
1. Call to order and roll call
2. Pledge of Allegiance to the United States flag, Pledge of Allegiance to the Texas flag, one minute of silence
3. Approval of minutes
3.A. Regular Meeting - October 14, 2004
4. Audience
5. Correspondence
5.A. Donation from Pecos Eagle Athletic Booster Club
6. Old Business
6.A. Report on Austin Elementary Gymnasium and Pecos High School football field synthetic turf and track renovations
7. New Business
7.A. Consider and possible action to pass a resolution on TRS Care mail-order Program
7.B. Consider and possible action on competitive sealed proposals for track renovations
7.C. Second reading and possible action on Policy Update 73
7.D. Consider and possible action on Campus Attendance Committees
7.E. Consider and possible action on Campus Improvment Plans and District Improvement Plan
7.F. Consider and possible action on requests to purchase foreclosed properties
7.G. Public hearing on Texas English Language Proficiency Assessment System (TELPAS) results
7.H. Consider and possible action to set date and time of board training to be provided by TASB
7.I. Consider and possible action to set date and time for public meeting to discuss drug testing
7.J. Closed session as authorized by the Texas Open Meetings Act, 551.101 et.seq., Section 551.074:
7.J.1. Section 551.074(1) To deliverate the appointment, employment, evaluation, assignment, duties, discipline or dismissal of a public officer or employee
7.K. Take action, if any of items discussed in closed session
7.L. Consider and possible action on professional personnel - appointments, resignations, retirements, change of contract
7.M. Tax report
7.N. Cafeteria report and commodities received
7.O. Depository securities report
7.P. Current bills and financial report
7.Q. Investment transaction report
7.R. Reconciled bank balance report
7.S. Reeves County Community Recreation Department report
7.T. Enrollment Report
8. Miscellaneous
8.A. Date and time for next meeting
8.B. Calendar of Events
8.C. Request for items for next agenda
9. Adjournment