February 16, 2015 at 6:30 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
Roll Call; Establishment of Quorum; Call to Order
Pledge of Allegiance and Pledge to the Texas Flag/Prayer
District Mission and Vision Statements
Public Comments
1. Target Improvement Plan Updates
1.A. John C. Webb
1.B. High Point
1.C. Navasota Jr. High
1.D. Navasota Intermediate
Superintendent's Report:
1. NJH Science Fair Results
2. Regional Band Results
3. HEB Community Health Advisory
4. Enrollment Report
Action Items - Consent Agenda
1. Review and consider approval of minutes of the Special and Regular meetings of January 20, 2015
2. Review and consider approval of Tax Collection Report for the month of January, 2015
3. Review and consider approval of the list of bills paid
4. Review and consider approval of Budget Amendment #1
Individual Action Items
1. Review and consider approval of District's Academic Calendar for the 2015/16 school year
2. Review and consider approval of Order of Trustee Election for Saturday, May 9, 2015
3. Review and consider approval of Election Services Contract with the Grimes County Elections Administrator's Office for conducting Navasota I.S.D. elections of May 9, 2015
4. Review and consider approval of Update 101
5. Review and consider approval for Navasota ISD Depository Bid Extension
6. Discuss and approve Teacher Salary Scale
7. Review and consider approval of request(s) for release from contracts (Closed meeting - Personnel, Texas Govt. Code, Section 551.074)
8. Review and consider approval of District Level Administrators Contract (Closed Meeting - Personnel, Texas Govt. Code, Section 551.074)
1. Board's Calendar of Work (March - May)
2. Webb Reconstitution Report - Staffing
3. Grade Reconfiguration Process
3.A. Boundary Report Update
3.B. Staffing Process
3.C. Class Size ratio for Current ratios
4. Business Operations
4.A. Maintenance and Facilities reports
5. Staffing Status Report (Closed Meeting - Personnel, Texas Govt. Code, Section 551.074)
Action, If Any, on Items Discussed in Closed Meeting