April 7, 2020 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
2. Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance
3. Roll Call of Board Members
4. Open Forum
5. Consent Agenda
5.A. Approval of Board Minutes
5.B. Obligations and Vouchers
5.C. Financial Statement
5.D. Donations
6. Action Items
6.A. Consider and Take Action on Educator Evaluation Waiver for 2019-2020
This waiver is from TEA, as per the Commissioner. The actual waiver will be filed through our TEAL system, and it does require approval by the Board. I will be submitting this waiver request after Principal input on which parts need to be waived or to waive the requirement in its entirety. There are options for each, based on the status of educator evaluation at the time of school closure.
6.B. Consider and take action on authorizing the Superintendent to submit waivers on behalf of the Harleton ISD
This is from the TEA Commissioner, to allow for the timely submission of waivers due to rapidly changing requirements due to the COVID-19. Any waivers submitted will be communicated to you prior to the submission, and each waiver will come back to the Board at a future Board Meeting for ratification.
6.C. Consider and Take Action on a "One-Time Modification of District Policies and Procedures on Grading and Related Issues"
The Principals are working on suggestions to our grading guidelines for the school closure. We will develop a hybrid system, so that we can finalize grades for all kids once we return to school or if we do not return to school this school year. This resolution will give us the flexibility that we will need to initiate a consistent plan across all grade levels. We, in no way, plan to allow for this school closure to negatively impact a student's academic standing, as it stood at the last day of in-person instruction.
6.D. Consider and Take Action on Authorized Representative Add Form for Lone Star Investment Pool
6.E. Consider and Take Action to Approve Authorized District Representatives with First National Bank of Hughes Springs
6.F. Personnel Issues, Including Resignations, Terminations, and Discipline of District Employees
6.F.1. Resignations
This resignation is due to retirement.
7. Closed Session Pursuant to Government Code
At this time, I see no need for an Executive Session. According to our attorney, Dennis Eichelbaum, if we go into Executive Session, there will be several steps to accomplish with Zoom to allow us to do so, to establish a secure hosting.
7.A. 1.Pursuant to Texas Government Code Sections 551.074 for the purpose of considering the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline, or dismissal of a public officer, employee, or to hear complaints or charges against a public officer or employee.
8. Reconvene Into Open Session
9. Information Items
9.A. Superintendent's Report
9.A.1. Current Enrollment
9.A.2. Update on Covid-19 planning and implementation
I will inform the Board of our operational initiatives, including At-home instruction, Food Service, and other related items. Our people have been working diligently to stay abreast with all the many changes happening at the state level. I am proud of any blown away by our Administrators and their teams.
9.A.2.a. Explanation of Food Service
9.A.2.b. Explanation of At-Home Instructional Resources Implementation
9.A.3. Board Training requirements have been waived through September 1, 2020
10. Board Reports
11. Adjourn