September 17, 2018 at 6:30 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Roll Call
2. Invocation
3. Approval of Minutes
4. Communications
5. Audience to Patrons and Petitions
6. Information Items
6.A. Enrollment Reports
6.A.1. Credit Students. The Registrar’s Office reports the attached headcount/contact hour enrollment for the Fall 2018 semester.
6.A.2. Dual Credit
and Concurrent Enrollment Report. The Registrar’s Office reports the attached dual credit and concurrent enrollment for the Fall 2018 semester.
6.A.3. Community Education Courses. Rather than unique students and registrations, CE will now report enrollments and hours of training delivered. This will align with CBIT reporting and more accurately reflect true volume. The Director, Community Education, reports the attached enrollment for the Community Education Program for the month of August 2014-2018.
6.A.4. Center for Business/Industry Training. The Director, Center for Business/Industry Training, reports the attached enrollment and participant hours for August 2014-2018.
6.B. Report of Taxes Collected. Attached is the report of taxes collected for the month of August 2018.
6.C. Report of Unfilled Positions. The Vice President, Human Resources, provides the attached report on vacant positions that are currently being advertised.
Teachers for Community Education Program. Attached is a communication from the Director, Community Education, reporting on three new teachers for the Community Education Program.
The President, under authority granted by the Board, has approved this recommendation.
6.E. Fund Development Report. The Vice President, College Advancement, provides the attached report on fund development activities of the Brazosport College Foundation for the months of August and September 2018.
6.F. Adjunct Credit
Teachers, Fall 2018. The Provost and Vice President, Academic & Student Affairs, recommends approval of adjunct teachers in the attached memo for 2018 Fall semester credit courses. Each of the teachers is qualified in the area of assignment.
6.G. Guided Pathways Update. The Provost and Vice President, Academic & Student Affairs, provides the attached update on the College’s Guided Pathways efforts.
6.H. ACE it Update. The Provost and Vice President, Academic & Student Affairs, provides the attached update on the College’s ACE it efforts.
6.I. Shannon Willems' Biographical Information. Attached is the biographical information for Shannon Willems, Vice President and Financial Advisor in the Houston office of AB Bernstein.
Approval of 2018-2019 SBDC Budget. Attached is a communication from the Director, Small Business Development Center, recommending a budget in the amount of $292,460 for the Small Business Development Center (SBDC) program for 2018-2019. The SBDC operates on an October 1 to September 30 fiscal year in order to coincide with the federal fiscal year.
The President, under authority granted by the Board, has approved this recommendation.
6.K. Student Success Center Annual Report. The Director, Student Success Center, provides the attached update on activities of the Student Success Center for the past year.
6.L. Writing Center Annual Report. The Director, Writing Center, provides the attached update on activities of the Writing Center for the past year.
6.M. THECB Accountability Report. The Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board regularly updates its accountability system for Texas institutions of higher education. Attached for the Board's information is a memorandum from the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board with
online access to the accountability report for Brazosport College. Also attached are an Instruction Guide for the accountability system and the Financial Condition Analysis of Texas Public Community College Districts.
6.N. The Clarion at Brazosport College Annual Report 2017-18. Attached is the 2017-18 Annual Report of The Clarion at Brazosport College from Vorin Dornan, Administrator.
6.O. 50th Anniversary Celebrations. Brazosport College will be celebrating its 50th Anniversary with the 2018-19 academic year. The 50th Anniversary Week of Celebrations will be September 24-29, 2018, with community activities on the College campus. All events are open to the community.
Monday, September 24, 2018: The Corporate Learning Center will host an Open House from 1:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. Wednesday, September 26, 2018: The 50th Anniversary Luncheon hosted by the Brazoria County Council of Chambers and The Economic Development Alliance for Brazoria County will be held from 11:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. at the Dow Academic Center. The Master of Ceremony will be Representative Dennis Bonnen and the Keynote Speaker will be Dr. Jonathan Turley, Shapiro Professor, George Washington Law School. His topic will be Unpacking the Supreme Court: History, Hierarchy and Headlines. The Friend of the College and Distinguished Alumnus will be announced. Invitations for complimentary seating have been sent to Board of Regents. Thursday, September 27, 2018: The BC Bookstore will host an Open House from 11:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. on the Main Campus. Friday, September 28, 2018: The May Children’s Center will host an Open House from 4:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. There will also be a free concert at the Clarion featuring children’s entertainer, 123 Andres, from 7:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. Saturday, September 29, 2018: The 50th Anniversary Community Block Party will be held at the Dow Academic Center and College gym beginning at 8:00 a.m. and ending at 10:00 p.m. Activities include Gator Gallop Fun Run, Food Trucks, Vendors, Motorcycle Ride for Scholarships, Kids Activities, Robotics Demonstrations, Music, Campus Tours, Washer Tournament, and Dance. |
6.P. President's Reception and Opening Concert - Celebrating BC's 50th Anniversary. The President’s Reception and Opening Concert for the Clarion is scheduled for Friday, October 19, 2018. The reception will begin at 6:00 p.m. and will be held at the Corporate Learning Center. The concert, featuring Little Texas, will begin at 7:30 p.m. The sponsors for the evening are MEGlobal, Kirksey Architecture & DE Harvey Builders. Invitations will be extended to the Board of Regents by mail.
6.Q. 2018 Texas Higher Education Leadership Conference. The 2018 Texas Higher Education Leadership Conference is scheduled for Thursday, November 29 – Friday, November 30, 2018, at the Hilton Austin Airport Hotel in Austin, Texas. The conference will begin at 8:00 a.m. on Thursday, November 29, with an orientation for new governing board members, which will satisfy the THECB Governing Board Training requirement for newly appointed regents and elected trustees. The annual State of Higher Education Luncheon on the 29th will feature a keynote address by Dr. Raymund Peredes, Commissioner of Higher Education. Members of the Board of Regents are encouraged to attend with Dr. Millicent Valek, President. Registration for the conference is to be made through Kasie Guthrie, Executive Assistant to the President.
Review. At the Board Workshop on February 13-14, 2009, Regents initiated a systematic review of Board policy. It was suggested that a number of Board policies be included for review as part of each monthly agenda. Questions regarding the referenced policy may be addressed to the President prior to the meeting for clarification and/or discussion.
The attached policy DC (LOCAL) regarding Employment Practices is presented for the Board's information on page 157 and also can be found at:
6.S. Brazosport College Calendar. The Brazosport College Calendar for September 24, 2018 through December 1, 2018 is attached.
7. Reports/Presentations
7.A. CBIT Annual Report. The Director, Center for Business/Industry Training, will present information about current CBIT activities and plans for the future.
7.B. President's Report.
-College Update -Legislative Update -Regents Visibility |
8. Unfinished Business
8.A. Proposed Amended Board Policy – CIB (LOCAL) – Equipment and Supplies Management - Disposal of Property. The Vice President, Human Resources, recommends adoption of amended Policy CIB (LOCAL) regarding disposal of property. Board policy provides that new or amended policies are to be presented at one meeting and adopted at a subsequent meeting. Attached is a copy of the proposed amended policy with existing policy language appearing as regular text, deleted language appearing with a line through it, and new language in blue font.
This proposed policy is presented for second reading and adoption.
8.B. Proposed Amended Board Policy – DEC (LOCAL) – Compensation and Benefits - Leaves and Absences. The Vice President, Human Resources, recommends adoption of amended Policy DEC (LOCAL) regarding leaves and absences. Board policy provides that new or amended policies are to be presented at one meeting and adopted at a subsequent meeting. Attached is a copy of the proposed amended policy with existing policy language appearing as regular text, deleted language appearing with a line through it, and new language underlined. Also attached is a final version without edits for ease of review.
This proposed policy is presented for second reading and adoption.
8.C. Proposed Amended Board Policy – DED (LOCAL) – Holidays. The Vice President, Human Resources, recommends adoption of amended Policy DED (LOCAL) regarding holidays. Board policy provides that new or amended policies are to be presented at one meeting and adopted at a subsequent meeting. Attached is a copy of the proposed amended policy with existing policy language appearing as regular text, deleted language appearing with a line through it, and new language underlined.
This proposed policy is presented for second reading and adoption.
9. New Business
9.A. Adoption of Tax Rate. At the August 20, 2018 meeting, the Board adopted the 2018-2019 operations budget of $51,800,000. The Board also proposed a tax rate of $.298500 which exceeds the effective tax rate by 4.56%. Two public meetings to discuss the proposed tax rate were held on August 20, 2018 and September 4, 2018.
It would be appropriate for the Board to adopt the attached resolution setting the tax rate for the 2018-2019 fiscal year.
9.B. Readoption of Tax Abatement Guidelines and Criteria. Chapter 312, Property Redevelopment and Tax Abatement Act, of the Texas Tax Code permits taxing units to enter into abatement agreements provided certain conditions are met. On October 12, 1988, the Brazosport College District Board of Regents approved a resolution of the Board’s intent to participate in tax abatement and established guidelines and criteria governing tax abatement agreements. These guidelines and criteria must be readopted every two years or sooner if changes are made by Brazoria County. On May 31, 2018, the Brazoria County Commissioners’ Court reaffirmed current guidelines and criteria. The Vice President, Financial Services & CFO, is recommending Board reaffirmation of the current College Tax Abatement Guidelines and Criteria, Application and Agreement which are attached.
It would be appropriate for the Board to reaffirm the revised Tax Abatement Guidelines and Criteria, Application and Agreement.
9.C. Dow Tax Abatement Request. On August 23, 2018, members of the Brazosport College Tax Abatement Review Committee (TARC) met with Daniel Womak, Director of State and Government Affairs, Southwest Region, Dow Chemical Company, to discuss the attached tax abatement application received from Dow Chemical Company.
It would be appropriate for the Board to review the abatement application of Dow Chemical Company and consider authorizing the President to execute the abatement agreement.
9.D. Tradition Energy. In April 2016 the College engaged the broker services of Tradition Energy through an Interlocal Agreement with the Texas Association of Community Colleges Cooperative Procurement Network. The College is currently contracted with Hudson Energy through June 2021 at a rate of $0.0398/kWh. Per the attached email and pricing report, beginning in June 2021 a new rate ranging from $0.03937/kWh for a twelve month term to $0.03809/kWh for a 60 month term can be secured. The Vice President, Financial Services & CFO, recommends the Board authorize the President to secure the 60 month rate with TXU at $.03809/kWh beginning in June 2021 in order to produce additional savings and ensure the College will have sub $.04 electrical rates through June 2026.
It would be appropriate for the Board to authorize the President to secure the 60 month electricity rate with TXU for the period beginning June 2021 through June 2026.
9.E. Electrical Switchgear. The College switchgear has major deterioration and is located in the chiller room where there is risk of water damage which would result in the loss of power to the Campus for an extended period of time. The College retained Testengeer Incorporated to perform a Campus switchgear engineering study. Testengeer recommended moving the switchgear location from the chiller room to a separate room. The estimate for new equipment and the move was $2,200,000 to $2,400,000 with the potential of a 50% swing.
The Vice President, Financial Services & CFO, and Facility Services staff met with Testengeer, TSG, Fort Bend and Hunton Services. Based upon all of the available information, estimates and quotes, it is recommended that the Board approve the attached Hunton Services N4X proposal in the amount of $703,381, which is $496,619 less than the budgeted amount of $1,200,000. While the Hunton proposal maintains the switchgear in the chiller room, the N4X equipment is the highest rated waterproof switchgear available and will provide the necessary protection. The new equipment will be placed on a housekeeping pad to further reduce the risk of water damage. To further mitigate the risk and protect the switchgear, chillers, boilers, and pumps it is recommended that a portion of the switchgear budget savings be applied to air condition the chiller room. An air conditioning recommendation not to exceed $200,000 is expected to be included in a future Board agenda. The installation of the new equipment will require shutting off the electricity to most of the campus for approximately two weeks. With the approval of the Hunton proposal, the project is expected to be completed during the 2018 Christmas break. Contingency plans will be in place should there be unexpected delays in the installation. It is recommended that the Board approve the attached Hunton Services N4X proposal.
Financial Report. Attached is the financial report for August 2018.
It is recommended that the Board accept the financial report.