August 23, 2021 at 6:30 PM - TISD Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call To Order
David Hall
2. Pledge of Allegiance to the US and Texas Flags and Invocation
3. Public Forum
4. Administrative Reports
4.A. Thorndale Elementary
4.B. Thorndale Middle School
4.C. Thorndale High School
4.D. Girls' Athletics
4.E. Boy's Athletics
4.F. Technology Report
4.G. Business Manager's Report
4.H. Superintendent's Report
5. Consent Agenda
5.A. Minutes
Amber Robinson
5.B. Financial Reports
Rebecca Peel
6. Discussion and possible action to approve resolutions certifying the review of the District's Investment Policy (CDA Local) and designation of investment officers.
Rebecca Peel
7. Discussion and possible action to adopt the 21-22 Compensatory Ed budget.
Rebecca Peel
8. Discussion and possible action to adopt the 21-22 Budget.
Rebecca Peel
9. Discussion and possible action to adopt the 21-22 tax rate
Rebecca Peel
10. Discussion and possible action to approve a MOU with Thrall ISD to provide resources and facilities in the event of an emergency
11. Discussion and possible action to approve a MOU with Rockdale ISD to provide DAEP services
12. Discussion and possible action to approve a resolution to grant adjunct faculty status and extracurricular consideration for the Milam and Williamson County Agrilife extension agents.
13. Discussion and possible action to endorse a candidate for the Texas Association of School Board's Board of Directors.
14. Discussion and possible action concerning a resoloution related to COVID leave for staff.
15. Discussion and possible action to approve a resolution granting authority to the Superintendent to apply for individual student waivers for homebound services when needed.
16. Discussion and possible action on budget amendments.
17. Board Training- TASA/TASB conference September 24-26
18. Set Date and Time
19. Adjourn