November 9, 2015 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting November 9, 2015
Agenda |
1. Call to Order and Roll Call
2. Invocation
3. Pledge of Allegiance
4. Audience with Individuals or Committees
5. Consent Agenda
5.1. Minutes for October 12, 2015 Regular Meeting
5.2. Accounts Payable
6. Discuss/Approve Nominations for Candidates of Appraisal District Boards.
7. Discuss/Approve Possible Policies for Underage or Non-licensed Drivers on Campus.
8. Discuss/Approve Sale of Cargo Trailer.
9. Athletic Director’s Agenda
9.1. Football season Report
9.2. Volleyball Season Report
9.3. Basketball Preview
10. Instruction Agenda
10.1. Attendance Percentages
10.2. Three Weeks Progress Report
10.3. Veterans Day Program
10.4. Campus Climate
11. Management and Operation Agenda
11.1. Revenue/Expenditure Summary
11.2. Tax Office Collection Report
11.3. Cash Flow Report
11.4. Food Service Operation Report
11.5. Utility Bills for Current Month
12. Superintendent’s Agenda
12.1. Current Enrollment and Financial Outlook for Evant ISD
12.2. Transportation Report
13. Adjourn