December 12, 2022 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
I. Call to Order
I.A. Prayer - Ruben Zambrano
I.B. Pledges of Allegiance
I.B.1. United States of America Flag
I.B.2. State of Texas Flag
II. Approve Minutes of Previous Meeting(s)
II.A. November 14, 2022
II.B. November 17, 2022
II.C. November 29, 2022
III. Recognitions
III.A. Retiring Personnel
IV. Public Comment
V. Closed Meeting Pursuant to Texas Government Code Chapter 551
V.A. Sec. 551.0821, Deliberation regarding personally identifiable student information, Sec. 551.082, Deliberation regarding Disciplinary Matter or Complaint, 551.071 Consultation with Attorney
V.A.1. Hearing on Student Appeal
V.A.2. Consideration and deliberation regarding Student Appeal
V.A.3. Consultation with Attorney concerning legal issues: Student Appeal
V.B. Personnel Matters (Tex. Gov. Code 551.074)
V.B.1. Resignations/Retirements
V.B.2. Employment of Personnel
V.B.2.a. New to District
V.B.2.b. Contracts for Professional Personnel
V.C. Consultation with attorney regarding: a) pending or contemplated litigation; b) a settlement offer; or c) a matter in which the duty of the attorney to La Feria Independent School District under the Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct of the State Bar of Texas clearly conflicts with Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code. (Tex. Gov't Code 551.071)
VI. Reconvene in Open Meeting
VI.A. Consideration, deliberation and possible action on Student Appeal
VI.B. Action on any Item Deliberated in Closed Meeting
VII. Information Item
VII.A. La Feria ISD Strategic Plan Update
VII.B. Superintendent Performance Goal 1: Academic Achievement
VII.C. Superintendent Performance Goal 3: Parent Engagement
VIII. Consent Agenda
VIII.A. Monthly Tax Report
VIII.B. Purchase Orders over $25,000
VIII.B.1. Approve Purchase of Doors from Alamo Door Systems, Inc., for District Facilities.
VIII.B.2. Purchase of 30 unit zSpace Learning Lab with zSpace Charging Cart for CTE Health Science Pathway.
VIII.B.3. Purchase of Clinical Response Upper (CRU-R) with CRU-RK-Replenish Kit, Vital Sign Monitor Package and APL Classroom Trainer for CTE Health Science Pathway.
VIII.B.4. Purchase of Simulation and Education Supplies from Pocket Nurse for CTE Health Science Pathway
IX. Items to Consider and Possible Action
IX.A. Discussion and Consideration to approve the District Standing Committees
IX.B. Discussion and Consideration to Approve an Update to Early Childhood and College, Career, and Military Readiness District Goal Plans
IX.C. Discussion and Consideration to Approve Proposed Revision to Policy COB (Local)
IX.D. Discussion and Consideration to Request for Proposals for E-Rate 26
IX.E. Discussion and Consideration to Request for Proposals for Lions Stadium Scoreboard
IX.F. Discussion and Consideration to Approve Vendor Library Interiors of Texas for Library Enhancement at 6 Campuses.
X. District Announcements
XI. Adjourn