August 10, 2020 at 6:30 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
I. Call to Order
I.A. Prayer - Michael Martinez
I.B. Pledges of Allegiance
I.B.1. United States of America Flag
I.B.2. State of Texas Flag
II. Approve Minutes of Previous Meeting(s)
III. Pride Recognition
IV. Open Forum/Public Comment
V. Information Item
V.A. Update on Migrant Program
VI. Consent Agenda
VI.A. Monthly Tax Report
VII. Items to Consider and Possible Action
VII.A. Consider Rearrangement of Board Officers
VII.B. District Standing Committees
VII.C. Purchase Orders over $25,000
VIII. Closed Meeting Pursuant to Texas Government Code Chapter 551
VIII.A. Personnel Matters (Tex. Gov. Code 551.074)
VIII.A.1. Resignations/Retirements
VIII.A.2. Employment of Personnel
VIII.A.2.a. New to District
VIII.A.2.b. Contracts for Professional Personnel
VIII.B. Consultation with attorney regarding: a) pending or contemplated litigation; b) a settlement offer; or c) a matter in which the duty of the attorney to La Feria Independent School District under the Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct of the State Bar of Texas clearly conflicts with Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code. (Tex. Gov't Code 551.071)
IX. Reconvene in Open Meeting
IX.A. Action on any Item Deliberated in Closed Meeting
X. District Announcements
XI. Adjourn
XII. Due to health and safety concerns related to the COVID-19 coronavirus, this meeting will be conducted by videoconferencing or telephone call. At lease a quorum of the board will be participating by videoconference or telephone call in accordance with the provisions of Section 551.125 or 551.127 of the Texas Government Code that have not been suspended by order of the governor.
Audio/Video Conferencing Notice: Pursuant to Governor Abbott's Temporary Suspension of Open Meetings Laws issued on March 16, 2020, this meeting will be conducted via Audio/Video Conference, which will be viewable for the public to review. The Board President, presiding officer or trustees may not be physically present at one location, but a quorum, will be required to attend the meeting by telephone or video conferencing if not present. The public may access this meeting using the following link: Meeting ID: Password: Members of the public who desire to address the board regarding an item on this agenda may email at Emails must be sent by 6:00 pm on July 20, 2020. The open portions of this meeting will be recorded and made available to the public upon request. |