February 8, 2016 at 6:30 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
I. Call to Order
I.A. Prayer - Katie Johnson
I.B. Pledges of Allegiance
I.B.1. United States of America Flag
I.B.2. State of Texas Flag
II. Approve Minutes of Previous Meeting(s)
II.A. January 11, 2016
II.B. January 18, 2016
III. Superintendent Celebrations
III.A. All Regional/State Choir
III.B. Choir State Solo/Ensemble
III.C. 2015 UIL Sponsor Excellence Award
IV. Campus Report
IV.A. David Sanchez Elementary - Umberto Flores, Principal
V. Open Forum
V.A. The Board shall allot 30 minutes to hear persons who desire to make comments to the Board. Persons shall sign up as they arrive, indicating the topic upon which they wish to speak. No presentation shall exceed five minutes. Delegations of more than five persons shall appoint one person to present their views before the Board. As provided by Board Policy, GF(Local), complaints or charges about an employee will be heard by the Board in closed meeting unless the employee complained about request it to be public. Complaints about an employee shall be directed first through provided resolution procedures before addressing the Board.
VI. Public Hearing for the 2014-2015 Texas Academic Performance Report (TAPR)
VII. Information Items
VII.B. Region One ESC Board of Directors Election Procedures
VIII. Consent Agenda
VIII.A. Monthly Tax Report
VIII.B. Statement of Impact Amendment
VIII.B.1. Harmony Science Academy-San Antonio
IX. Items to Consider and Possible Action
IX.A. 2016-2017 School Calendar
IX.B. New Server Position for Food Service
IX.C. Board Standing Committees
IX.D. Superintendent's Performance Goals 2016-2017
IX.E. Election Agreement Cameron County
IX.F. 2016-2017 Jr. High Electives
IX.G. Change Board Meeting Date in March
X. Closed Meeting Pursuant to Texas Government Code Chapter 551
X.A. Personnel Matters (Tx. Gov. Code 551.074)
X.A.1. Resignations/Retirements
X.A.2. Employment of Personnel
X.A.2.a. New to District
X.A.2.b. Contracts for Professional Personnel
X.A.2.b.(1) Administration
X.A.3. Discussion of Employees or Public Officers
X.A.4. Deliberation regarding the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline, or dismissal or proposed termination of a District employee or public officer or employee, pursuant to Tx. Gov't Code 551.074
X.A.5. Information Item Only
X.A.5.a. Notification of report to the State Board of Educator Certification regarding an employee as required by Board Policy DHB(Legal)
X.B. Student Discipline (Tx. Gov't. Code 551.082)
X.C. Deliberation Regarding Real Property (Tx. Gov. Code 551.072)
X.D. Consultation with attorney regarding: a) pending or contemplated litigation; b) a settlement offer; or c) a matter in which the duty of the attorney to La Feria Independent School District under the Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct of the State Bar of Texas clearly conflicts with Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code. (Tex. Gov't Code 551.071)
XI. Reconvene in Open Session
XI.A. Action on any Item Deliberated in Closed Meeting
XII. District Announcements
XIII. Adjourn