March 10, 2025 at 7:00 PM - Board of Education Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order/Opening the Meeting
1.1. Public Meeting Announcement
1.2. Open Meetings Act posted on South wall of Media Center
1.3. Board Member Attendance Roll Call/Sign Acknowledgment of Receipt Notice
1.4. Pledge of Allegiance
1.5. Consent Agenda
1.5.1. Consider Minutes of Previous Meeting(s) and Their Approval (appendix A)
1.5.2. Consider Current Bills and Their Approval (appendix B)
1.5.3. Consider Financial Statements/Treasurer’s Report (appendix C)
1.5.4. Amend the agenda to add Action Item 4.1
1.6. Community Input
2. Administrator Reports
2.1. Athletic Director
2.2. Principal
2.3. Superintendent
3. Board Committee Reports
3.1. Facility
3.2. Negotiations
3.3. Transportation
3.4. Americanism
4. Discussion/Action Items
4.1. Transfer $40,000 from the General Fund to the Lunch Fund
4.2. Change school calendar to a non-student day on May 14th
4.3. Resignations
4.3.1. Alyce LeBlanc Resignation
4.4. New Hires
4.4.1. Cheyenne Fitzgerald - PreK
4.4.2. Riley Stuhr - 4th Grade
4.4.3. Stefanie McCain - 7-12 Grade SPED
5. Upcoming Learning Events
6. Next Meeting April 14th
7. Adjourn