February 7, 2024 at 6:30 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
I. 6:00 P.M. Open Forum: Jay Brovold, Chelsie Heuring, Mark Messman
II. Call meeting to Order @ 6:30
III. Pledge of Allegiance
Following the Pledge, the Board Chair will welcome staff and guests to the meeting
IV. Approval of the Agenda
V. Consent Agenda
V.A. Minutes -attached
V.B. Personnel Actions -attached
VI. Finance
VI.A. Approve bills -attached
VI.B. Monthly enrollment update -attached
VI.C. Resolution for Acceptance of Gifts - attached
VII. Board Business
VII.A. Review PACT (Putting All Communities Together) initiatives and resources, and recommend continued membership in 2024 -attached
VII.B. Review and recommend approval of the 2024-2025 School Calendar -attached
VII.C. Administration will present the annual resolution seeking authorization to recommend reductions in force, discontinuance of programming, and modify fee schedules -attached
VII.D. Business Manager, Cathy Wuertz will present the annual Capital Outlay and Long-Term Facilities and Maintenance budgets for review and approval -attached
VII.E. The administration will present projected enrollment, pupil formula increase and revenue to be used in budgeting and staffing for the 2024-2025 SY -attached
VII.F. Administration will present the 3-year Pay Equity Report for review and approval -attached
VII.G. Board members will collaborate and prioritize agenda items for the February 21 Working Session
VII.H. Review and then recommend approval of the 2023-2025 Master Agreement between the Eden Valley-Watkins Federation of Teachers and Independent School District #463 -attached
VIII. Board Member Updates and Reports
VIII.A. Student-Schoolboard Representative Updates
VIII.B. Superintendent Report
VIII.C. Elementary Principal Report
VIII.D. Secondary Principal Report
IX. Other Business
X. Items to be considered at the next meeting
XI. Adjourn the meeting