December 14, 2020 at 6:15 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
2. Pledge to Flag
3. Board Chairs Comment
4. Roll Call
5. Approval of Agenda
6. Approval of Minutes
7. Recognition of Citizens for Input Purposes
8. Reports/News
8.a. Board Committee Report
8.b. Business Manager’s Report
8.c. Superintendent Report
8.d. Principals’ Reports
8.e. Athletic Report
9. Discussion/Information/Action Items
9.a. Approval of Final Levy
9.b. Claims, Accounts and Financial
9.c. Approval of FMLA Leave
FMLA for High School Science Teacher Heidi Noerenberg approximately April 14, 2021 through the end of the school year.
9.d. Approval of New Hires
Charlie Rudy, Asistant Wrestling (Reduction from 1.0 to 0.5)
Spencer Elwell, Assistant Wrestling, 0.5 Brooke Barthel, Bus Driver Jason Kasella, Volunteer Wrestling Celeste Ollman, Volunteer Girls Basketball Bill Baumann, Volunteer Girls/Boys Basketball |
9.e. Approval of Donations
9.f. Policy Reading
9.f.1. Third Reading Policies
3rd Reading Policies
505 - Distribution of Non-School Sponsored Materials on School Premises by Students and Employees 903 - Visitors to School District Building and Sites |
9.f.2. Second Reading Policies
2nd Reading Policies
214 - Out -Of-State Travel by School Board Members - Regulates how Board Members can travel outside of state. No Change 410 - Family and Medical Leave Policy - Has the requirements of FMLA. No Change 527 - Student Use and Parking of Motor Vehicles; Patrols, Inspections, and Searches. No Change 529 - Staff Notification of Violent Behavior by Students - Staff Notification of Violent Behavior by Students - Addition of the Word to Section II, Part A, sentence 1, "possesses Substantiated information". The policy committee felt that without that word, a student could be singled out by rumor or gossip. |
9.g. Protocol for Covid 19 Quarantine-Change
9.h. Athletics During Covid 19
9.i. Directors to Speak to the Public
Ellie Holm First and foremost I want to thank the community for letting me represent you the last 4 yrs. I want to give Words of advice for upcoming board and future boards...take it or leave it! I had received bits from previous board members from the past and took them with a grain of salt and they all became very true to live by. You are voted in by the taxpayers and you are here to represent them! There’s no other way to put it~ as a board member you are their voice! Always always always get your own Information- dept of education/Mn school board association/local representatives and district citizens and students are great for facts and truth. Never ever should a personal relationship get in the way of your decision making~you need to do what’s best for the majority, take people out of decision and do not do what’s best for you or what benefits yourself and/or 1 or 2 other people. This is a hard role to take on but that is your responsibility. It shouldn’t be a "I scratch your back, you scratch mine type of system" There are many things you will learn~ good information and misfortunate information...... very very eye opening! Enjoy the learning opportunity to future boards and again thank you to the taxpayers I was able represent. |
10. Closed Meeting for Personnel
11. Upcoming Meeting Schedule
12. Adjournment