January 4, 2021 at 6:00 PM - Organizational Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
2. Pledge to Flag
3. Swearing in of New Members
4. Roll Call
5. Approval of Agenda
Organizational Meeting
6. Election of Officers
6.a. Chairperson
6.b. Vice-Chairperson
6.c. Clerk
6.d. Treasurer
7. Organizational Action Items
7.a. Setting of Regular Meeting Time and Dates
This past year, the board held 12 regular. The board has routinely scheduled special meetings for goal setting, board self-evaluation and superintendent evaluation.
The board has met on the fourth Monday of the month at 6:00 PM. We cannot hold a meeting on a legal holidays. Agendas have been sent out on Friday or before prior to the regular meetings. The regular meeting time at 6:00 PM and 2021 dates for January __, February __, March __, April __, May __, June __, July __, August __, September __, October __, November __, December __. The board has routinely scheduled special meetings for board self-evaluation, superintendent evaluation, contract negotiations, and other occasions as needed. |
7.b. Setting of Compensation for Directors
Compensation for regular board meetings, special board meetings, committee and other meetings is set at $50. The chairperson receives a $300/year stipend.
The year 2021 at $___ each meeting. The chairperson receives a $ /year stipend. |
7.c. Naming of Official Depositories for District Funds
Dawn Duevel, Pine Country Bank, Minnesota School District Liquid Asset Fund, and MN Trust (PMA) as official depositories for Royalton School District funds.
7.d. Investment of Funds
Dawn Duevel, Business Manager invest funds on behalf of the Royalton School District.
7.e. Annual Delegation of Authority to Make Electronic Fund Transfers
The auditor requires the board to designate someone to make electronic fund transfers. The Business Manager has been assigned to do this in the past.
Delegate the authority to make electronic fund transfers to Dawn Duevel, Business Manager. |
7.f. Naming of Official Newspaper
Name the Morrison County Record as the Official Newspaper.
7.g. Naming of Representatives and Committee Members
7.g.1. Naming of Royalton City Council Meeting Representative
_________________ also Representative_____________as an alternate to represent the Royalton School District at Royalton City Council meetings once per month.
7.g.2. Naming of Bowlus City Council Meeting Representative
________________also Representative _____________as an alternate to represent the Royalton School District at Bowlus City Council meetings once per month.
7.g.3. Naming of Policy Committee Representatives
Directors ______________ and ______________ as Policy Committee Representative.
7.g.4. Naming of Strategic Planning/Curriculum and World's Best Workforce Committee Representatives
The Strategic Planning/Curriculum Advisory/World's Best Workforce Advisory Committee consists of one but not limited to; elementary teachers, MS/HS teachers, both principals, the superintendent, board members, parents from each of the schools, community members at large, and business person(s) from the district. The committee is primarily responsible for formulating, reviewing, improving, and measuring of the school Strategic Plan, Curriculum Advisory, and to produce the Worlds Best Workforce.
Directors_____________ and ___________ to the Strategic Planning/Curriculum/World's Best Workforce Advisory Committee Representatives. |
7.g.5. Naming of Facilities Committee Representatives
Directors _______________ and _____________as Facilities Committee Representatives.
7.g.6. Naming of Finance Committee Representatives
Naming of Finance Committee Representatives. This committee consists of two board members, the business manager, and superintendent. The committee will review and comment on the budget.
Directors _________________ and ____________ as Finance Committee Representatives. |
7.g.7. Naming of Mid-State Education District Board
The representative is expected to attend monthly meetings as the voting representative from Royalton School District. This group sets policy for Mid-State Education District based on recommendations from the member districts' superintendent in areas of special education, technology, and distance learning. Five school districts receive special education services. Seven school districts receive technology services.
Director _______________ and Director _____________as an alternate to Mid-State Education District Board. |
7.g.8. Naming of Minnesota State High School League Representative
Director _______________ and Director _____________as an alternate to Minnesota State High School League Representatives.
7.g.9. Naming of Representatives to Schools for Equity in Education (SEE)/Legislative Liaison
Directors__________________ and _______________ as Representatives to Schools for Equity in Education (SEE)/Legislative Liaison.
7.g.10. Naming of Labor Management/Meet and Confer Representative
The superintendent meets with teacher representatives five times a year as per Master Agreement, usually every other month, to discuss non-contractual concerns. Meetings usually start at 3:15 p.m. and seldom last more than one hour. This does not require board representation, any or all board members may attend.
Director _______________ and Director _____________as an alternate to Labor Management/Meet and Confer Representatives. |
7.g.11. Naming of Staff Development Committee Representative
7.g.12. Naming of Absentee Committee Representatives
Naming of Absentee Committee Representatives. This committee at a minimum consists of one board member, one teacher from each school, superintendent, and a principal. This committee will focus on minimizing loss of instructional time in the classroom.
Director _______________ and Director _____________as an alternate to Absentee Committee Representatives. |
7.g.13. Naming of Health and Safety Committee Representative
Director _______________ and Director _____________as an alternate to Health and Safety Committee Representatives.
7.g.14. Naming of Sourcewell Representative
Director _______________ and Director _____________as an alternate to Sourcewell Committee Representatives.
7.g.15. Naming of Non-Union Negotiation Committee Representatives
Directors _____________, ____________ and Director _____________ as an alternate to Non-Union Negotiation Committee Representatives.
7.g.16. Naming of Teacher (REM) Negotiation Committee Representatives
Directors ______________and ____________ as Teacher Negotiation Committee Representatives.
7.g.17. Naming of Para (RESP) Negotiation Committee Representatives
Director ________________ and _______________as Para Negotiation Committee Representatives.
7.g.18. Naming of Secretaries (AFCME) Negotiation Committee Representatives
Director __________________ and ________________ as Secretaries Negotiation Committee Representatives.
7.g.19. Naming of Principal Negotiation Committee Representatives
Directors _________________and ____________ as Principal Negotiation Committee Representatives.
7.g.20. Naming of Superintendent Negotiation Committee Representatives
Directors _________________ and ____________ as Superintendent Negotiation Committee Representatives.
7.h. Other Organizational Action Items
8. Move to Special Meeting