July 22, 2019 at 6:00 PM - Regular Board Meeting
Agenda |
1. Pledge to Flag
2. Roll Call
Mary Lange Ellie Holm
Noel Guerard Mark Petron___________ Randy Hackett Russ Gerads __________ John Phelps____________ |
3. Approval of Agenda
It was moved by Director _____________ and seconded by Director ____________ to approve the agenda as amended. Motion carried/failed by ___________ vote.
4. Approval of Minutes
It was moved by Director __________ and seconded by Director ___________ to approve the minutes of the Regular Board on 5/20/19 and Policy Committee 6/3/19. Motion carried/failed by ________ vote.
5. Recognition of Citizens for Input Purposes
6. Reports/News
6.a. Business Manager’s Report
6.b. Activities Director
Tony Neumann
6.b.1. "Why We Play"
6.c. Community Education Director
Ted Hanson
6.d. Elementary Principal
6.e. MS/HS Principal
6.f. Superintendent’s Report
Closing Enrollment
6.f.1. High School 2019-20 Handbook
6.f.2. Transportation Handbook
6.f.3. Great News
7. Policies
John Phelps
7.a. First Reading
John Phelps
7.a.1. 402 - Disability Nondiscrimination - Changes to reflect updates to the legal and cross-references, notes within the policy, and minor corrections.
7.a.2. 419 -Tobacco-Free Environment - statutory change adding electronic devices and definition of ‘smoking’.
7.a.3. 506 - Student Discipline - Changes to reflect updates to the legal and cross-references, notes within the policy, and minor corrections.
7.a.4. 532 - Use of Peace Officers - Statutory change to dates of seclusion reports to MDE
7.a.5. 603 - Curriculum Development - Statutory change requiring information to students who do not meet or exceed MN academic standards
7.a.6. 613 - Graduation Requirements
7.b. Second Reading
7.b.1. Royalton School District Policy 509 Enrollment of Nonresident Students
7.b.2. Royalton School District Policy 520 Student Surveys (Rev. 2016)
7.b.3. Royalton School District Policy 707.1 Preschool Student Pick-up and Drop Off Transportation
7.c. Third and Final Reading
7.c.1. Royalton School District Policy 610 - FIELD TRIP
7.c.2. Royalton School District Policy 706 - Acceptance of Gifts
7.c.3. Royalton School DIstrict Policy 714 - FUND BALANCES
8. Discussion/Information Items
8.a. School Accountability Policy 616
Director Noal Guerard
We are holding back on the final proposal for an open discussion on how to make the School District more accountable.
8.b. Discussion on 1st Reading Policies
8.c. Discussion on 2nd Reading Policies
8.d. Discussion on 3rd and Final Reading Policies
8.e. Elementary Handbook
9. Action Items
9.a. Claims, Accounts and Financial
It was moved by Director ________ and seconded by Director ______ to approve accounts payable and
receivables, and employee reimbursements as attached and approve all other financial reports as presented. Motion carried/failed by ____ vote. |
9.b. 10 year LTFM Expense Revenue Report
It was moved by Director ____ and seconded by Director _____ to approve the 10 year Long Term Facility Maintenance Plan as required by the State of Minnesota. Votes for _____; Votes against _____ Motion carried/denied by ___________ vote.
9.c. New Bus Approval
It was moved by Director ____ and seconded by Director _____ to approve the purchase of a new school bus for $83,577.00. Votes for _____; Votes against _____ Motion carried/denied by ___________ vote.
9.d. New Hires
It was moved by Director ____ and seconded by Director _____ to approve the hiring of Kara Kloss as the 3 Year Old Preschool Teacher Position for the 2019-20 school year. Votes for _____; Votes against _____ Motion carried/denied by ___________ vote.
It was moved by Director ____ and seconded by Director _____ to approve the hiring of Jeanne Omvig as the HS Science Teacher. Votes for _____; Votes against _____ Motion carried/denied by ___________ vote. It was moved by Director ____ and seconded by Director _____ to approve the hiring of Steven Bohnsack as the HS Business Teacher for the 2019-20 school year. Votes for _____; Votes against _____ Motion carried/denied by ___________ vote. |
9.e. Resignation
It was approved by Director ____ and seconded by Director ____ to approve the resignation of Gerry Klemish. Thank you for services rendered. Motion carried/failed by ______ vote.
9.f. Elementary Handbook
It was moved by Director ____ and seconded by Director _____ to approve the 2019-20 Elementary Handbook. Votes for _____; Votes against _____ Motion carried/denied by ___________ vote.
9.g. 3rd and Final Reading Approval
It was moved by Director ____ and seconded by Director _____ to approve Policy 610 Field Trips, Policy 706 Acceptance of Gifts, and Policy 714 Fund Balances. Votes for _____; Votes against _____ Motion carried/denied by ___________ vote.
10. Upcoming Meeting Schedule
John Phelps
10.a. August 6th, 8:30am - Board Policy Committee Meeting
10.b. August 19th, 6pm - Board Work Session Meeting
10.c. August 26th, 6:00pm - Regular Board Meeting
10.d. September 10th, 8:30am - Policy Committee Meeting
10.e. September 10th, 4:45pm - Strategic Planning Committee
11. Close Meeting
a. It was moved by Director ______________ and seconded by Director _____________ to close the meeting at _________ p.m. Motion carried/failed by ________ vote.
Time of Regular Meeting closed ________pm b.____Minute Recess c. Closed Session Begins at ___________pm d. Close Meeting Adjourned and Regular Meeting Reopened: It was moved by Director ______________ and seconded by Director _____________ to adjourn the closed meeting and reopen the Regular Meeting at _________ p.m. Motion carried/failed by ________ vote. |
12. Adjournment
It was moved by Director ______________ and seconded by Director _____________ to adjourn the meeting at _________ p.m. Motion carried/failed by ________ vote.