June 18, 2018 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
2. Pledge to Flag
3. Roll Call
Jim Block Ellie Holm
Noel Guerard Dale Lenz Randy Hackett Mark Petron__________________ |
4. Approval of Agenda
It was moved by Director _____________ and seconded by Director ____________ to approve the agenda as presented/amended. Motion carried/failed by ___________ vote. |
5. Approval of Minutes
It was moved by Director ________ and seconded by Director ________ to approve the minutes of the regular board meeting on 5/14/2018 and Policy Committee Meeting on 6/13/2018 as presented/corrected. Motion carried/failed by ________ vote. |
6. Claims, Accounts and Financial
It was moved by Director ____________ and seconded by Director _____________ to approve p-card transactions, bills due and payable, and employee reimbursements as attached and approve all other financial reports as presented. Motion carried/failed by _______ vote. |
7. Recognition of Citizens for Input Purposes
8. Appreciation, Recognition and Presentations
9. Reports/News
9.a. Business Manager’s Report
9.b. Principals’ Reports
9.c. Director of Student Activities and Community Education Coordinator's Report
9.d. Superintendent’s Report
9.e. Board Committee Reports
10. Policies
10.a. 1st Reading of Policies
10.b. 2nd Reading of Policies
11. Action Items
11.a. Approval of Policies
It was moved by Director _____________________ and Seconded by Director ______________ to approve the Royalton School District Policies - #406, 414, 610, 413, 427, and 450. Motion carried/failed by ________ vote.
11.b. Approval of Donation
It was moved by Director ________________ and seconded by Director ___________ to accept the Donation from Langola Township for Community Education summer youth programs in the amount of $2,000. Motion carried/failed by ___ vote.
It was moved by Director ________________ and seconded by Director ___________ to accept the Donation from Rice Area Sportsmen's Club for the Clay Trap Shooting Program in the amount of $300. Motion carried/failed by ___ vote. |
11.c. Approval of Contracts
11.c.1. Event Contract
It was moved by Director_____________________and seconded by Director _____________ to approve of the Event Contract with Coyote Moon for the 2019 Prom Event. Motion carried by ___________ vote.
11.c.2. Approval of Agreement with Sourcewell
It was approved by Director _________________ and seconded Director ___________________ to approve of the Agreement with Sourcewell. Motion carried ____________ vote.
11.c.3. Approval of Memorandum to REM Contract
It was approved by Director _________________ and seconded Director ___________________ to approve of the Memorandum of Understanding to add Horace Mann to the list of approved deferred compensation vendors to the REM contract. Motion carried ____________ vote.
11.c.4. Approval of Employee Contract
It was moved by Director ______________ and seconded by Director ______________ to approve the Finance Specialist contract for 2018-2019. Motion carried/failed by _______ vote
It was moved by Director ______________ and seconded by Director _____________ to approve of the agreement for Summer Flag Squad Leader from May 31, 2018 - August 31, 2018. Motion carried/failed by ________ vote. It was moved by Director ______________ and seconded by Director _____________ to approve of the agreement for Summer Band Instructor from May 31, 2018 - August 31, 2018. Motion carried/failed by ________ vote. |
11.d. Approval of Hirings
The Royalton School Board will approve the following hires based upon the findings of each individual’s background check, licensure status, and discipline report from the MN Department of Education. It was moved by Director _______ and seconded by Director _____ to approve the hiring of Heather Popp as a para for the ESY SPED summer program per administration recommendation. Motion carried/failed by ___ vote. It was moved by Director _______ and seconded by Director _____ to approve the hiring of Mary Klosowski as a long term Substitute for the Elementary Music Program from approx September 14th, 2018 - December 10th, 2018 per administration recommendation. Motion carried/failed by ___ vote. It was moved by Director _______ and seconded by Director _____ to approve the hiring of Laell Welle as a para for the Preschool ESY SPED summer program per administration recommendation. Motion carried/failed by ___ vote |
11.e. Approval of Resignations
It was moved by Director __________________ and seconded by Director _____________ to approve Jessica Ring resignation as a MAP Assistant effective June 1st, 2018 with thanks extended for services rendered. Motion carried/failed by ___ vote.
It was moved by Director __________________ and seconded by Director _____________ to approve Rachel Almen resignation as a Dishwasher at the Elementary effective May 31st, 2018 with thanks extended for services rendered. Motion carried/failed by ___ vote. It was moved by Director __________________ and seconded by Director _____________ to approve Karen Obermiller retiring as a Para effective May 31st, 2018 with thanks extended for services rendered. Motion carried/failed by ___ vote. It was moved by Director _________________ and seconded by Director ________________ to approve of Brent Lieser resignation as Director of Student Activities and Community Education effective June 30th, 2018 with thanks extended for services rendered. Motion carried/failed by ___ vote. |
11.f. Approval of Vision Statement - Part 2
Its was moved by Director ____________________ and seconded by Director _______________ to approve the Part 2 of the Vision Statement for Royalton Public Schools. Motion carried/failed by _______ vote.
11.g. Approval on Adopted Budget for 2018-2019
It was moved by Director _______________ and seconded by Director ________________ to approve the adopted budget for 2018-2019. Motion carried/failed by __________ vote.
11.h. Approval of changing Budget Committee to Finance Committee
It was moved by Director ___________________ and seconded by Director ________________ to approve the changing the Budget Committee to Finance Committee. Motion carried/failed _________ vote.
11.i. Appointment of alternate for Mid-State Committee
Appointment of Director Guerard as alternate to the Mid-state Committee as voted on at the open policy committee meeting on June 13th, 2018
11.j. Hot Spots
It was moved by Director _________________ and seconded by Director _________________ to no longer offer Hot Spots through the school district. Motion carried/failed ________ vote.
12. Secretary Bargaining group proposal
It was moved by Director _________________ and seconded by Director ______________ to review the final proposal for the secretarial bargaining group for 2017-2019. Motion carried __________ vote.
13. Discussion/Information Items
13.a. Discussion on the process for filling empty chairboard member
Board will open the vacated board position and post position for applicants to apply
14. Upcoming Meeting Schedule
Strategic Planning Meeting June 27th, 2018 at 8:30am - 10:30am Regular Board Meeting July 16th, 2018 at 6:00pm It was moved by Director________ and seconded by Director_______ to approve the upcoming meeting dates listed above. |
15. Adjournment
It was moved by Director ______________ and seconded by Director _____________ to adjourn the meeting at _________ p.m. Motion carried/failed by ________ vote. |